1. "Street plays, skits, programmes that help in bringing a change in societal attitude."
2. "Strict laws and regulations that are capable of convicting doctors too."
3. "Recording of transactions and the names of the users of diagnostic equipment."
4. "Involvement of women’s group and health activists in spreading the awareness regarding the stigma attached to the prenatal diagnostic tests."
Street plays, skits, programmes that help in bringing a change in societal attitude.
1. "A and B"
2. "C and D"
3. "A and C"
4. "B and D"
B and D
"1. "some prenatal diagnostic tests lead to miscarriage."
2. "ultra sound tests are essential tools for obstetricians."
3. "in most cases, commercial interest may gain importance while using certain medical techniques and technologies which have disputable efficacy levels."
4. "excessive use of ultra sound tests could be fatal to foetus."
in most cases, commercial interest may gain importance while using certain medical techniques and technologies which have disputable efficacy levels.
1. "more female foetuses get rejected naturally."
2. "the law cannot regulate people’s behaviour."
3. "society’s prejudice against women is taking a more violent form."
4. "the demand for prenatal diagnostic techniques is increasing."
society’s prejudice against women is taking a more violent form.
1. "A"
2. "B"
3. "C"
4. "D"
"1. "A"
2. "B"
3. "C"
4. "D"
"1. "antithesis"
2. "antipathy"
3. "antidote"
4. "antecedent"
"1. "virtual"
2. "virtuous"
3. "vindictive"
4. "visible"
"1. "real"
2. "vicious"
3. "venomous"
4. "violent"
"1. "eradication"
2. "intimidation"
3. "abolition"
4. "digression"