1.  "that they wil1,or could"

2.  "that they would,or could"

3.  "they will be or could"

4.  "think that they will be or could"

5.  "think the power stations would or could"

Correct Answer :

think that they will be or could


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "that some Blacks return to Africa, the land that,to him, symbolized the possibility of freedom"

2.  "that some Blacks return to the African land symbolizing the possibility of freedom to him"

3.  "that some Blacks return to Africa which was the land which symbolized the possibility of freedom to him"

4.  "some B1ack's returning to Africa which was the land that to him symbolized the possibility of freedom"

5.  "some B1ack's return to the land symbolizing the possibility of freedom to him,Africa"

Correct Answer :

that some Blacks return to Africa, the land that,to him, symbolized the possibility of freedom


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "few people are known to recover from the disease after the appearance of the clinical symptoms"

2.  "few people are known to have recovered from the disease once the clinical symptoms have appeared"

3.  "there are few known people who have recovered from the disease once the clinical symptoms have appeared"

4.  "after the clinical symptoms appear,there are few known people who have recovered from the disease"

5.  "recovery from the disease is known for only a few people after the clinical symptoms appear"

Correct Answer :

few people are known to have recovered from the disease once the clinical symptoms have appeared


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "well below that of men in spite of educational differences that are diminishing"

2.  "much below that Of men's despite educational differences diminishing"

3.  "much below men in spite of diminishing educational differences"

4.  "well below those of men in spite of diminishing educational differences"

5.  "below men's despite their educational differences hat are diminishing"

Correct Answer :

well below those of men in spite of diminishing educational differences


Explanation :
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1.  "Strict control on capital inflows into the country."

2.  Credit to priority sectors like agriculture.

3.  "Subservience of financial sector to development needs."

4.  "None of the above."

Correct Answer :

None of the above.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "are implemented by third world countries of their own volition."

2.  "are advocated by IMF and World Bank to the third world countries."

3.  "are restricted only to third world countries."

4.  "are implemented to control inflation."

Correct Answer :

are advocated by IMF and World Bank to the third world countries.


Explanation :
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1.  "an ardent advocate of financial liberalization."

2.  "not totally in favour of financial liberalization."

3.  "discussing the pros and cons of financial liberalisation."

4.  "noncommittal on the issue of financial reforms."

Correct Answer :

not totally in favour of financial liberalization.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "is advisable in the present circumstances."

2.  "is a sine qua non for economic development."

3.  "can lead to a situation which favours generation of quick money."

4.  "can put the country in doldrums."

Correct Answer :

can lead to a situation which favours generation of quick money.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "a misnomer"

2.  "a misfit."

3.  "a perfect description"

4.  "a milder substitute for a stronger word"

Correct Answer :

a milder substitute for a stronger word


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "a woman is not considered a liability."

2.  "women have rights and privileges on a par with men."

3.  "the government has taken steps to empower women."

4.  "women are economically independent."

Correct Answer :

women are economically independent.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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