1. "equitable"
2. "iniquitous"
3. "inimical"
4. "innate"
"1. "reminiscence"
2. "remnant"
3. "repercussions"
4. "remittance"
"1. "the ordinary writer in extraordinary situations in Malayalam literature"
2. "referred to in the Borges of Malayalam literature"
3. "referred as the Borges of Malayalam literature"
4. "referred to as the Borges of Malayalam literature"
referred to as the Borges of Malayalam literature
"1. "people from all walks of life"
2. "a standard means of written English"
3. "a standard form of written English"
4. "English spoken as a native language"
a standard form of written English
1. "there was a multitude on the first floor"
2. "we had not bargained about the multitudes at the first floor"
3. "we had not bargained for the multitudes on the first floor"
4. "we had not bargained for the multitudes in the first floor"
we had not bargained for the multitudes in the first floor
"1. "their umbrellas for a wet stranger on a rainy day"
2. "his umbrella to a wet stranger on a rainy day"
3. "their umbrellas to a wet stranger on a rainy day"
4. "their umbrellas to a wet stranger in a rainy day"
their umbrellas to a wet stranger on a rainy day
1. "though you have done something for someone"
2. "unless you have done something for someone"
3. "whenever and wherever possible doing something for someone"
4. "unless you have done nothing for someone"
unless you have done something for someone
1. "ABCD"
2. "BADC"
3. "DCAB"
4. "CADB"
"1. "been proved to be true. "
2. " has been true so far but false in the case of the prokaryotic cell"
3. " is only partially true. "
4. "has been proved to be completely false."
has been proved to be completely false.
"1. "To arrange for the growth and nourishment if the cell"
2. "To hold hereditary information for the next generation"
3. "To make up the basic physical structure of the organism"
4. "To fight the various foreign diseases attacking the body."
To hold hereditary information for the next generation