1.  "A duel between two warriors in which one has to die"

2.  "The effect of a chisel on a marble stone while making a sculpture"

3.  "The feedshare (natural gas) in fertilizer industry being transformed into fertilizers"

4.  "A predator killing its prey"

5.  "The effect of fertilizers on a sapling"

Correct Answer :

The effect of a chisel on a marble stone while making a sculpture


Explanation :
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1.  "critical and important, as, without it, initial hypotheses or conjectures can never be made."

2.  "positive, as conjectures arising out of our dogmatic attitude become science."

3.  "negative, as it leads to pseudo-science."

4.  "neutral, as the development of science is essentially because of our critical attitude."

5.  "inferior to critical attitude, as a critical attitude leads to the attitude of reasonableness and rationality."

Correct Answer :

critical and important, as, without it, initial hypotheses or conjectures can never be made.


Explanation :
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1.  "A critical attitude implies endless questioning, and, therefore, it cannot lead to strong beliefs."

2.  "A critical attitude, by definition, is centered on an analysis of anomalies and ""noise""."

3.  "A critical attitude, leads to questioning everything, and in the process generates ""noise"" without any conviction."

4.  "A critical attitude is antithetical to conviction, which required for strong beliefs."

5.  "A critical attitude leads to questioning and to tentative hypotheses."

Correct Answer :

A critical attitude implies endless questioning, and, therefore, it cannot lead to strong beliefs.


Explanation :
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1.  "Scientific theories or hypothesis are tentatively true whereas pseudo-sciences are always true."

2.  "Scientific laws and theories are permanent and immutable whereas pseudo-sciences are contingent on the prevalent mode of thinking in a society."

3.  "Science always allows the possibility of rejecting a theory or hypothesis, whereas pseudo-sciences seek to validate their ideas or theories."

4.  "Sciences focuses on anomalies and exceptions so that fundamental truths can be uncovered, whereas pseudo-sciences focus mainly on general truths."

5.  "Science progresses by collection of observations or by experimentation, whereas pseudo-sciences do not worry about observations and experiments."

Correct Answer :

Science always allows the possibility of rejecting a theory or hypothesis, whereas pseudo-sciences seek to validate their ideas or theories.


Explanation :
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1.  "There is nostalgia for communist ideology even if communism has been abandoned by most European nations."

2.  "Notions of social justice inherent in communist ideology appeal to critics of existing systems."

3.  "Communist regimes were totalitarian and marked by brutalities and large-scale violence."

4.  "The existing economic order is wrongly viewed as imperialistic by proponents of communism."

5.  "Communist ideology is faulted because communist regimes resulted in economic failures."

Correct Answer :

There is nostalgia for communist ideology even if communism has been abandoned by most European nations.


Explanation :
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1.  "compare the atrocities committed by colonial regimes with those of communist regimes."

2.  "prove that the atrocities committed by colonial regimes were more that those of communist regimes."

3.  "prove that, ideologically, communism was much better than colonialism and Nazism."

4.  "neutralise the arguments of Mr. Lindblad and to point out that the atrocities committed by colonial regimes were more than those of communist regimes."

5.  "neutralise the arguments of Mr. Lindblad and to argue that one needs to go beyond and look at the motives of these regimes."

Correct Answer :
neutralise the arguments of Mr. Lindblad and to point out that the atrocities committed by colonial regimes were more than those of communist regimes.

Explanation :
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1.  "Both colonialism and Nazism were examples of tyranny of one race over another."

2.  "Several genocides committed by the colonial and the Nazi regimes were of similar magnitude."

3.  "Several ideas of the Nazi regime were directly imported from colonial regimes."

4.  "Both colonialism and Nazism are based on the principles of imperialism."

5.  "While communism was never limited to Europe, both the Nazis and the colonialists originated in Europe."

Correct Answer :

Several ideas of the Nazi regime were directly imported from colonial regimes.


Explanation :
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1.  "A Utopia in which everyone is equal and no one enjoys any privilege based on their existing positions and powers."

2.  "A hypothetical society in which people agree upon principles of justice which are fair."

3.  "A society in which principles of justice are not based on the existing positions and.powers of the individuals."

4.  "A society in which principles of justice are fair to all."

5.  "A hypothetical society in which principles of justice are not based on the existing positions and powers of the individuals."

Correct Answer :

A hypothetical society in which people agree upon principles of justice which are fair.


Explanation :
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1.  "A hypothetical situation conceived to derive principles of justice which are not influenced by position, status and condition of individuals in the society."

2.  "A hypothetical situation in which every individual is equal and no individual enjoys any privilege based on the existing positions and powers."

3.  "A hypothetical situation to ensure fairness of agreements among individuals in society."

4.  "An imagined situation in which principles of justice would have to be fair."

5.  "An imagined situation in which fairness is the objective of the principles of justice to ensure that no individual enjoys any privilege based on the existing positions and powers."

Correct Answer :
A hypothetical situation conceived to derive principles of justice which are not influenced by position, status and condition of individuals in the society.

Explanation :
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1.  "The difference arising as a consequence of artis­tic license."

2.  "The difference between 'life' and 'interpretation of life'."

3.  "The difference between two artistic interpreta­tions."

4.  "The difference between 'width' and 'depth' of creative power."

5.  "The difference between the legendary character and the modern day singer."

Correct Answer :

The difference arising as a consequence of artis­tic license.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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