1.  "internal conflicts, rather than external conflicts, form an important component of serious literature as distinguished from less serious generes."

2.  "only juveniles or very few ""adults"" actually experience external conflict, while internal conflict is more widely prevalent in society."

3.  "in situations of internal conflict, individuals experience a dilemma in resolving their own preferences for different outcomes."

4.  "there are no threats to the reader (or viewer) in case of external conflicts."

Correct Answer :

in situations of internal conflict, individuals experience a dilemma in resolving their own preferences for different outcomes.


Explanation :
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1.  "A statistician's dilemma over choosing the best method to solve an optimisation problem."

2.  "A chess player's predicament over adopting a defensive strategy against an aggressive opponent."

3.  "A mountaineer's choice of the best path to Mt. Everest from the base camp."

4.  "A finance manager's quandary over the best way of raising money from the market."

Correct Answer :

A chess player's predicament over adopting a defensive strategy against an aggressive opponent.


Explanation :
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1.  "unparalleled luxury and opulence."

2.  "a sense of complacency among people because of all-round prosperity."

3.  "a culmination of all-round economic prosperity."

4.  "an imminent danger lurking behind economic prosperity."

Correct Answer :

unparalleled luxury and opulence.


Explanation :
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1.  "Growth in the economies of Western countries despite shocks in the form of increase in levels of indebtedness and inflated asset prices."

2.  "Increase in the prosperity of Western countries and China despite rising oil prices."

3.  "Continued growth of Western economies despite a rise in terrorism, an increase in oil prices and other similar shocks."

4.  "the success of continued reforms aimed at making Western economies more dynamic, competitive and efficient."

Correct Answer :

Continued growth of Western economies despite a rise in terrorism, an increase in oil prices and other similar shocks.


Explanation :
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1.  "Industry has  incentive to build new production and refining capacity and therefore oil prices would reduce."

2.  "There would be a correction in the price levels of oil once new production capacity is added."

3.  "The decline in oil prices is likely to be short-term in nature."

4.  "It is not necessary that oil prices would go down to earlier levels."

Correct Answer :

It is not necessary that oil prices would go down to earlier levels.


Explanation :
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1.  "Reality can be construed only through the use of rational analysis."

2.  "Language limits our construction of reality."

3.  "A universal language will facilitate a common understanding of reality."

4.  "We need to uncover the hidden meaning in a system of relations expressed by language."

Correct Answer :

We need to uncover the hidden meaning in a system of relations expressed by language.


Explanation :
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1.  "As a result, 'deal making' becomes rampant, without concern for customer satisfaction."

2.  "As a result, inefficiencies creep into the supply chain."

3.  "As a result, everyone treats the other as an adversary, rather than as an ally."

4.  "As a result, fundament innovations are becoming scarce in the automobile industry."

5.  "As a result, everyone loses in the long run."

Correct Answer :

As a result, everyone treats the other as an adversary, rather than as an ally.


Explanation :
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1.  "However, diplomacy has often been used as a mask by nations which intended to use force."

2.  "However, when the veil is lifted, we commonly see that diplomacy is understood as a disguise for the rule of force."

3.  "However, history has shown that many of these nations do not practice what they profess."

4.  "However, history tells us that peace is professed by those who intend to use violence."

5.  "However, when unmasked, such nations reveal a penchant for the use of force."

Correct Answer :

However, when unmasked, such nations reveal a penchant for the use of force.


Explanation :
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1.  "Guidance based on applied research can hardly qualify as 'rules'."

2.  "Thus, all may so-called 'rules' are rooted in applied research."

3.  "A suggestion perhaps, but scarcely a rule."

4.  "Such principles are unavoidable if one wants to be systematic about consumer behaviour."

5.  "Fundamentally it is about consumer behaviour-not about celebrities or type settings."

Correct Answer :

A suggestion perhaps, but scarcely a rule.


Explanation :
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1.  "As a result, people transmit more information rather than experiment with new ideas as they reach an advanced age."

2.  "As a result, people are reluctant to experiment with new ideas as they reach an advanced age."

3.  "As a result, only people with lower opportunity costs exploit opportunity when they reach an advanced age."

4.  "As a result, people become reluctant to exploit entrepreneurial opportunities when they reach an advanced age."

5.  "As a result, people depend on credibility rather than on novelty as they reach an advanced age."

Correct Answer :

As a result, people become reluctant to exploit entrepreneurial opportunities when they reach an advanced age.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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