1. Maxillary palp
2. Mandible
3. Labrum
4. Labium
1. Suspended particulate matter
2. Oxides of sulphur
3. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
4. Oxides of nitrogen
Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
1. Proteins released in minute quantities by animals or plant cells, on being infected with virus
2. Proteins synthesized in large quantities by cells actively engaged in synthesis
3. Hormones released by cells in small quantities which influence some of the various physiological activities
4. Defensive mechanism.
Proteins released in minute quantities by animals or plant cells, on being infected with virus
1. Robertson
2. Robert hooke
3. Singer and Nicholson
4. Pantin and mastin
Singer and Nicholson
1. P Q S R
2. Q P R S
3. S Q R P
4. S R P Q
1. Elliptical
2. Endurance
3. Fatalistic
4. Hygiene