1. Nucellus
2. Megaspore mother cell
3. Megaspore
4. Archesporium
Megaspore mother cell
1. Autoradiography
2. Microspectrophotometry
3. Calorimetry
4. Chromatography
1. Electrons, which have a longer wavelength than ordinary light, as the source of illumination
2. Ultraviolet light as the source of illumination
3. Fast electrons which have shorter wavelength than ordinary light rays as the source of illumination
4. Gamma rays as the source of illumination
Fast electrons which have shorter wavelength than ordinary light rays as the source of illumination
1. Toxin
2. Venom
3. Haematin
4. Hypnotoxin
1. Red blood corpuscles of human suffering from malaria
2. Spleen of infected humans
3. Salivary glands of freshly moulted female anopheles mosquito
4. Saliva of infected anopheles
Saliva of infected anopheles
1. Axial flower position
2. Green seed colour
3. Green pod colour
4. Round seed shape
Green seed colour
2. LH
3. GTH
4. STH or GH
1. Thyroxine
2. Ecdysone
3. Juvenile hormone
4. A pheromone
1. Multicellular non-motile algae
2. Bryophytes with simple internal organization
3. Unicellular motile algae
4. Pteridophytes with complex internal organization
Bryophytes with simple internal organization
1. Sperm is viable for only 24 hours
2. Sperm viability is determined by its motility
3. Sperm must be concentrated in thick suspension
4. It depends upon pH of medium as sperm is more active in alkaline medium.
Sperm is viable for only 24 hours