1. "Place"
2. "Price "
3. "Product"
"1. "Consumer's disinterest in a product or service"
2. " Relationship users develop with selected products and services."
3. "Degree of personal relevance of a product or service to a consumer"
4. "Motivation to contribute to the improvement of a brand"
Motivation to contribute to the improvement of a brand
"1. "Potential; augmented"
2. "Augmented; generic"
3. "Potential; expected"
4. "Expected; core"
Expected; core
"1. "Advertisements in the Sunday newspaper."
2. "Obtain post-codes for affluent neighbourhoods."
3. "Target major upscale businesses"
Target major upscale businesses
"1. "Technically complex products"
2. " Small manufactures"
3. "Manufactures who do not care to exercise a high degree of control over the distribution"
4. "Manufacturers that lack financial resources"
5. "All of the above"
All of the above
"1. "Investment costs are low."
2. "There is little threat of copy-cat competition."
3. "The price elasticity of demand is inelastic."
4. "Volume means lower production costs."
Volume means lower production costs.
"1. "Eliminate a competitive disadvantage; increase margins"
2. "Create a competitive disadvantage; reduce margins"
3. "Decrease demand; increase margins"
Eliminate a competitive disadvantage; increase margins
"1. "Heterogeneity"
2. "Measurability"
3. "Substantiality"
4. "Accessibility"
"1. "true"
2. "false"
"1. "true"
2. "false"