1.  " Mysterious"

2.  " Secret"

3.   Covert

4.  "Perfidious"

Correct Answer :



Explanation :
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1.  "volatile and non-volatile memories."

2.  "magneto-resistance and magnetic tunnel-junctions."

3.  "radiation-disruption and radiation-neutral effects."

4.  "orientation of magnetised spots on the surface of a spinning disk and alignment of magnetic dots on the surface of a conventional memory chip."

Correct Answer :

magneto-resistance and magnetic tunnel-junctions.


Explanation :
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1.  "The geocentric and the heliocentric views of the solar system are equally tenable."

2.  "The heliocentric view is superior because of better rhetoric."

3.  "Both views use rhetoric to persuade."

4.  "Scientists should not use rhetoric."

Correct Answer :

Both views use rhetoric to persuade.


Explanation :
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1.  "a layer of aluminium oxide."

2.  "a capacitor."

3.  "a vertical pillar of magnetised material."

4.  "a matrix of wires."

Correct Answer :

a vertical pillar of magnetised material.


Explanation :
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1.  "two magnetic layers are polarised in the same direction."

2.  "two magnetic layers are polarised in the opposite directions."

3.  "two aluminium-oxide barriers are polarised in the same direction."

4.  "two aluminium-oxide barriers are polarised in opposite directions."

Correct Answer :

two magnetic layers are polarised in the same direction.


Explanation :
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1.  "the low sensitivity of the magnetic memory elements."

2.  "the thickness of aluminium oxide barriers."

3.  "the need to develop more reliable and far smaller magnetic memory chips."

4.  "all of the above."

Correct Answer :

the need to develop more reliable and far smaller magnetic memory chips.


Explanation :
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1.  "measuring an elements resistance and thus determining its magnetic orientation."

2.  "measuring the degree of disruption caused by radiation in the elements of the magnetic memory."

3.  "magnetising the elements either clockwise or anti-clockwise."

4.  "measuring the current that flows through the sandwich."

Correct Answer :

measuring the current that flows through the sandwich.


Explanation :
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1.  "Paul Freitas"

2.  "Stuart Parkin"

3.  "Gary Prinz"

4.  "None of these"

Correct Answer :

None of these


Explanation :
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1.  "Comparing experiences with two innovations tried, in order to illustrate the failure of both."

2.  "Presenting community perspectives on two technologies which have had negative effects on people."

3.  "Using the negative outcomes of one innovation to illustrate the likely outcomes of another innovation."

4.  "Contrasting two contexts separated in time, to illustrate how „deserts have arisen."

Correct Answer :

Using the negative outcomes of one innovation to illustrate the likely outcomes of another innovation.


Explanation :
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1.  "Over a period of time, working with Sauk Indians who have lost their kinship and relationships, shebecomes one of them."

2.  "She is working in an environment where the disappearance of community mourners makes her workplace a social desert."

3.  "Her efforts at grief processing with the bereaved will fail as no amount of professional service canmake up for the loss due to the disappearance of community mourners."

4.  "She has been working with people who have settled for a long time in the Great Desert."

Correct Answer :

Her efforts at grief processing with the bereaved will fail as no amount of professional service can
make up for the loss due to the disappearance of community mourners.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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