1. Writing history as personal narratives.
2. Writing history with political bias.
3. Writing non-political due to lack of glamour.
4. Writing history by dissecting elements and integrating them again.
Writing history by dissecting elements and integrating them again.
1. Public and quasi-public institutions are not interested in making profits.
2. Public and quasi-public institutions have a broader and long-term outlook than private companies.
3. Private companies are incapable of building products based on traditional and folk knowledge.
4. Traditional and folk knowledge cannot be protected by patents.
Public and quasi-public institutions have a broader and long-term outlook than private companies.
1. a and b
2. c and d
3. a and c
4. b and d
a and c
1. An election speech.
2. An advertisement jingle.
3. Dialogues of a play.
4. Commands given by army officers.
Commands given by army officers.
1. Abstractionism has failed to reorient itself in the context of changing human experience.
2. Abstractionism has not considered the developments in artistic expression that have taken place inrecent times.
3. Abstractionism has not followed the path taken by all revolutions, whether in politics or art.
4. The impact of mass media on viewer's expectations has not been assessed, and responded to, byabstractionism.
Abstractionism has not followed the path taken by all revolutions, whether in politics or art.
1. It provides an idiom that can be understood by most members in a society.
2. It highlights the absence of a shared language of meaningful symbols which can be recreated throughgreater awareness.
3. It highlights the contradictory artistic trends of revolution and conservatism that any society needs tomove forward.
4. It helps abstractionists invoke the wistful, delicate beauty that may exist in society.
It highlights the absence of a shared language of meaningful symbols which can be recreated through
greater awareness.
1. Abstractionists appear to be unable to transcend the solutions tried out earlier.
2. Abstractionism has allowed itself to be confined by set forms and practices.
3. Abstractionists have been unable to use the multiplicity of forms now becoming available to an artist.
4. All of the above.
All of the above.
1. celebrated the hopes and aspirations of a newly independent nation.
2. provided a new direction to Indian art, towards self-inquiry and non-representational images.
3. managed to obtain internationalist support for the abstractionist agenda.
4. was emancipation from the dogmas of the nascent nation state.
provided a new direction to Indian art, towards self-inquiry and non-representational images.
1. An exploration of the subconscious mind.
2. A lack of full commitment to non-representational symbols.
3. An adherence to the symbolic while aspiring to the mystical.
4. Usage of the images of gods or similar symbols.
An exploration of the subconscious mind.
1. depiction of nature’s cyclical renewal.
2. use of non-representational images.
3. emphasis on arrangement of forms.
4. limited reliance on original models.
emphasis on arrangement of forms.