1.  The need to insulate Asian economies from over-exposure to the American economy.

2.  Angry reaction among Asian countries owing to America's protectionist policy.

3.  The aim of empowering the poorer Asian economies and bring them on par with Western economies.

4.  The desire to achieve conditions conductive to global consensus on trade regulations and tariffs.

5.  Widespread panic in Europe and Asia as Asian economies are yet to recover from the recession.

Correct Answer :

The desire to achieve conditions conductive to global consensus on trade regulations and tariffs.

Explanation :
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1.  These will be beneficial and are likely to give rise to a common Asian currency

2.  Tariffs will be lowered and bureaucratic regulations will be become transparent

3.  Widening of differences between participant and non participant countires will hamper global stability.

4.  Regional conflicts will increase as competition and inequities between Asian nations will intensify.

5.  They are likely to be short lived as it will be difficult to get participating nations to arrive at a consessus

Correct Answer :

Widening of differences between participant and non participant countires will hamper global stability.

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1.  Only (C)

2.  Only (A)

3.  Only (A) and (B)

4.  All (A), (B), and (C)

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

All (A), (B), and (C)

Explanation :
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1.  Political instability in Asia will rise as some countries are wealthier than others.

2.  American consumers have ceased their demand for Asian goods.

3.  Unemployment in Asian countries will rise as many plants will be forced to close down.

4.  It will alter the balance of power in the World with small Asian countries becoming most dominant

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

It will alter the balance of power in the World with small Asian countries becoming most dominant

Explanation :
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1.  The number of wealthy consumers in Asia out number those in America and Europe togethe

2.  Asian countries do not support free trade and continue to trade among themselves despite the recession

3.  Goods manufactured in Asian countries often fail to meet the standards set by developed countires

4.  Asian countries no longer export to Western markets alone and now cater to Asian markets as well

5.  Interregional trade barriers between Europe and Asia have weakened considerably

Correct Answer :

Asian countries no longer export to Western markets alone and now cater to Asian markets as well

Explanation :
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1.  Unimportant

2.  Complimentary

3.  Approval

4.  Sale

5.  steady

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Additional

2.  Renewed

3.  Original

4.  Healthy

5.  Modern

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  irrational

2.  main

3.  brilliant

4.  important

5.  empathetic

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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