1. Chair
2. Table
3. Rack
4. Furniture
5. Drawer
1. Sandal
2. Boot
3. Feet
4. Shoe
5. Slipper
1. Mouse
2. Animal
3. Lizard
4. Cat
5. Horse
1. Shawl
2. Sweater
3. Handkerchief
4. Coat
5. Muffler
1. We are yet starting
2. offering this facility to
3. our customers as we are
4. awaiting approval from the Board.
5. No error
We are yet starting
1. The Chairmen of all large
2. public sector banks met with
3. senior RBI officials to give its
4. suggestions about implementing the new policy.
5. Noerror
senior RBI officials to give its
1. They have not fully considered
2. the impact that relaxing
3. these guidelines is likely
4. to have with the economy.
5. No error
to have with the economy.
1. Had this notification
2. been amended earlier,
3. we could have stopped
4. the transfer of funds.
5. No error
No error
1. There are many insurance
2. disputes nowadays because of
3. most people do not fully
4. understand the terms and conditions of their policies.
5. Noerror
disputes nowadays because of
1. Asian economies are financially more sound than those of the developed world.
2. The financial crisis impacted the West far more than it did Asia.
3. Asia countries have aligned themselves on lines similar to the European Union.
4. Western countries are sceptical about trading with developing countries.
5. Asian countries have been actively opening their markets to one another.
Asian countries have been actively opening their markets to one another.