1. In spite of
2. For fear that
3. For want of
4. In order to
5. With regard to
For fear that
1. Seeing one dream after the other
2. Makmg plan after plan
3. Crossing one hurdle after the other
4. Jumping from one bad situation, to another which is worse
5. None of these
Jumping from one bad situation, to another which is worse
1. New types oftraveilers will start flying.
2. It will increase the connectivity in the country.
3. It will have ripple effect on the international airlines Hi reduce fare.
4. Air travel among business people would increase.
5. Earlier, those who could not afford high fare woiikl now consider flying,
It will have ripple effect on the international airlines Hi reduce fare.
1. Stiff competition among the players
2. Warning against travel issued by some embassies
3. High price of travel
4. Lack of adequate facilities
5. Non-introduction of flexible fare schemes
Warning against travel issued by some embassies
1. When we start using aviation services.
2. As we stretch our pockets to avail air services,
3. There would be a decline in the facilities.
4. When we board the plane, we have to tighten m\i t It before take-off.
5. None of these
When we start using aviation services.
1. The reduction in price has been triggered by slagged performance and competition.
2. In the west, competition had led to evolving new and effective schemes of fare,
3. The customer had so far not enjoyed the major benfit of privatisation ever since, it was done in this scheme
4. More modem type of passengers will avail these opportunities.
5. It is too early to assess the complete impact of the reduction scheme.passage
More modem type of passengers will avail these opportunities.
1. old-fashioned
2. practically
3. existing
4. ritualistic
5. None of these
1. Some players would start operating m this scheme.
2. Airlines will provide better facilfties to the customer.
3. Some existing players may have to stop operafion.
4. Even if the volumes pick of the profit declines.
5. None of these
None of these
1. all businesses which render public service are successful.
2. human happiness is enhanced only by the mcrease of material wants.
3. the value of life is increased only by.the increase of wealth.
4. the material needs ofmen and women are supplied by well-conducted business.
5. business is the only field of activity which increases happiness.
the material needs ofmen and women are supplied by well-conducted business.
1. is focused on the routine problems of life.
2. prepares one for a full enjoyment of life.
3. deals chiefly with art, literature„and science.
4. is not possible for one who does not enjoy scienfific literature.
5. disregards practicalends
prepares one for a full enjoyment of life.