1.  Wincing

2.  Convincing

3.  Explaining

4.  Providing

5.  Debating

Correct Answer :


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1.  By practising skills of concentration

2.  By inculcating the habit of self-absorption

3.  Being true to others and one's mtemal circumstances

4.  Admitting to oneself that others could be right       

5.  None of these         

Correct Answer :

Being true to others and one's mtemal circumstances

Explanation :
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1.  Giving

2.  Accumulating

3.  Projecting

4.  Scattering

5.  Receiving

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Material rewards and incentives received

2.  Critical analysis of the happy state of mmd

3.  Affection received from others

4.  CalculMed risk taken

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

Affection received from others

Explanation :
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1.  You try to introspect and look critically at yourself

2.  You realize that life can be lived in different ways.

3.  You try to practice exercise designed to give coverage.

4.  You remain a self-centered person.

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

You remain a self-centered person.

Explanation :
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1.  Leaders are reactive whereas managers are proactive.

2.  Organisations are facing problems of not getting good managers.

3.  Organisations are pursuing'the strategy of status quo.

4.  In today's context, organisations need leaders much more than managers in transforming them.

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

In today's context, organisations need leaders much more than managers in transforming them.

Explanation :
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1.  Companies and universities wanted to generate funtlti through these programmes.

2.  A large number of organisations were created and tlmy needed managers in good number.

3.  Organisations did not wants spend their scarcy resources in training managers.

4.  Organisations wanted'to create communicaiKMi network through trained managers.

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

A large number of organisations were created and tlmy needed managers in good number.

Explanation :
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1.  Bureaucratic culture can smother those who want to respond to changing conditions.

2.  Leadership produces change and has the potential to establish direction.

3.  Pressure on managers comes mostly from within.

4.  Leadership centres on carrying out important functions such as planning and problem-solving.

5.  Managers believe that they are the best and that they are idio syncratic traditions are superior

Correct Answer :

Leadership centres on carrying out important functions such as planning and problem-solving.

Explanation :
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1.  Managers listen poorly and learn slowly.

2.  Managerial competencies are nurtured.

3.  Employees clearly see the forces that presents their opportunities.

4.  Prevalence of unhealthy arrogance.

5.  Managers tend to stifle iniative and innovation

Correct Answer :

Employees clearly see the forces that presents their opportunities.

Explanation :
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1.  Suppress

2.  Encourage

3.  Instigate

4.  Criticise

5.  Attack

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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