1. Much behind
2. as far as behind
3. Too further behind
4. behind further
5. No correction required
No correction required
1. Fallen below
2. have fallen above
3. Fall between
4. will be falling to will be falling to
5. No correction required
have fallen above
1. Shift to alternate forms of energy
2. Come to a state of war with other nations
3. Put tactical pressure on countries having oil reserves
4. Formulate more stringent emission norms and apply these across the globe
5. None of these
Shift to alternate forms of energy
1. The stance is leading to way among the nations for control over oil fields
2. Powerful nations have been selling oil at a very inflated rate to under developed nations
3. Many nations have shifted to alternate forms of energy boycotting the use of oil due to inflated prices
4. Even though oil has been a matter of conflict among the nations earlier, many nations have a kept a silence on the current crisis
5. None of these
Even though oil has been a matter of conflict among the nations earlier, many nations have a kept a silence on the current crisis
1. The mighty and powerful nations
2. Nations having unused oil reserves
3. Nations which have exhausted their oil reserves
4. The nations which have shifted to non-conventional fuels
5. None of these
Nations having unused oil reserves
1. Some nations have kept a silence upon the rising oil price in order to inhibit the growth of other nations
2. It is more cost effective to shift to alternate forms of energy than to invest in technology for conforming to the emission norms
3. Some nations have unused oil reserves which would earn these nations heavy profits once the oil reserves elsewhere deplete
4. India has had a nuclear deal for its energy needs
5. All are true
It is more cost effective to shift to alternate forms of energy than to invest in technology for conforming to the emission norms
1. Some countries, are stringently opposing the conversion to alternate forms of fuel.
2. Some countries have been luring other countries to change over to alternate fuels in order to boost their own business.
3. Some countries are making the effort to save environment by using natural gas instead of oil as a fuel
4. Both a) and b)
5. None of these.
Some countries have been luring other countries to change over to alternate fuels in order to boost their own business.
1. To highlight the plight of OPEC with rising fuel prices
2. To urge to the government to shift from oil to natural gas since it is more environment friendly
3. To highlight the vested interest of some nations in maintaining the indifference to rising oil prices
4. To urge to save the environment by conforming to the emission norms and using alternate energy sources
5. None of these
To highlight the vested interest of some nations in maintaining the indifference to rising oil prices
1. All the oil reserves on the earth will soon be exhausted
2. Powerful nations will try and dominate OPEC later on
3. As the oil reserves which are being used currently deplete in the time to come, nations having unused oil reserves would arm-twist OPEC
4. Nations will lose faith in OPEC owing to very high fuel prices
5. None of these
As the oil reserves which are being used currently deplete in the time to come, nations having unused oil reserves would arm-twist OPEC
1. Many countries have already made a substantial profit in the industry of alternate fuel
2. Such measure do not cause harm to the environment
3. Only a few countries of the world will have the access to alternate forms of fuel
4. The use of alternate sources has been forced upon certain countries by powerful countries
5. None of these
Only a few countries of the world will have the access to alternate forms of fuel