1. absence
2. vaccum
3. melody
4. orchestra
5. None of these
None of these
1. Disadvantage
2. unholy
3. Cursing
4. insulted
5. Unfavorable
1. I bought some umbrellas and clothes.
2. I listened to their problems.
3. Many rare flowers bloomed
4. There would be mud everywhere.
5. I was embarrassed because I was rich.
I listened to their problems.
1. Banks should advertise about this in advance.
2. All expenses will be borne by banks.
3. We are planning to set up 7,000 ATM's for this purpose.
4. Special debit cards have been issued to customers.
5. Many handicapped customers would need access to ATMs.
We are planning to set up 7,000 ATM's for this purpose.
1. It will be put before the Minister next month.
2. Tax consultants will make profits.
3. The minister may resign.
4. There is no solution in sight
5. Investors may be fined.
It will be put before the Minister next month.
1. He would often bore his students with long lectures.
2. He would narrate stories and real life incidents to his students
3. He forced his students to pay attention.
4. It was difficult to understand his lectures.
5. He narrated an incident which took place abroad.
He would narrate stories and real life incidents to his students
1. We need to work on this challenge.
2. It sometimes takes more than a month to open an account
3. We do not know if this measure has been successful.
4. Many lack access to banking services.
5. Banks are not making any effort.
We need to work on this challenge.
1. Additional lending
2. lend additional
3. lent additional of
4. to additionally lend
5. No correction required
lent additional of
1. Since the fact of
2. with the fact that
3. Due to the fact that
4. Owing the fact to
5. No correction required
Due to the fact that
1. Asking banks which offer
2. to ask banks offer
3. asked banks which offer
4. Asking banks to offer
5. No correction required
Asking banks to offer