1.  Government cutbacks on public works maintenance lead to a deterioration of roads, which creates more work for private construction firms.

2.  A decrease in the federal education budget causes certain schools to close, which forces families to send their children to schools that are farther away.

3.  A federal decrease in unemployment payments causes some individuals who would otherwise remain on unemployment to seek jobs.

4.  Government cuts in housing subsidies results in fewer houses being built.

5.  A reduction in the federal spending on food safety inspections leads to a rash of illnesses and an increase in the amount of money spent on medicine.

Correct Answer :

A reduction in the federal spending on food safety inspections leads to a rash of illnesses and an increase in the amount of money spent on medicine.

Explanation :
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1.  It describes the common economic benefits of a wartime economy.

2.  It provides the background information necessary to understand the information in the third paragraph.

3.  It explains what happened to the United States’ economy during World War II.

4.  It presents a possible objection to the author’s main thesis.

5.  It helps explain why individuals might hold the viewpoint presented in the first paragraph.

Correct Answer :

It helps explain why individuals might hold the viewpoint presented in the first paragraph.

Explanation :
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1.  working........ was compelled

2.   worked........ compelled

3.  had worked...... was compelled

Correct Answer :

had worked...... was compelled

Explanation :
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1.  unfortunate....... luck

2.  foolish....... nonsense

3.  predicted reason

Correct Answer :

predicted reason

Explanation :
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1.  initial....... mature

2.   obvious....... definite.

3.  opening....... pleasant

Correct Answer :

initial....... mature

Explanation :
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1.  presence...... welcomed

2.  mixing........ regretted

3.  mischief...... found

Correct Answer :

mixing........ regretted

Explanation :
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1.  short..... ability

2.   deficient..... calibre

3.  lacking...... income

Correct Answer :

deficient..... calibre

Explanation :
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1.  neglect...... precautions

2.   irresponsibility...... authorities

3.  stupidity........ laws

Correct Answer :

neglect...... precautions

Explanation :
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1.  unscrupulous

2.  spy

3.  undesirable person

Correct Answer :

undesirable person

Explanation :
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1.  financial assistance

2.  public support

3.  advantages and disadvantages

Correct Answer :

advantages and disadvantages

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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