1.  A tradition can be deliberately constructed to serve certain needs.

2.  Guardians of a tradition derive power from the fact that they are the only people capable of understanding the meaning of a communal ritual.

3.  A tradition appears to be continuous with the past.

4.  A tradition helps in arriving at legitimate power and value systems

Correct Answer :

A tradition helps in arriving at legitimate power and value systems

Explanation :
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1.  they could find no historical evidence for that concept.

2.  of their assumption regarding Locke's basis for his theory of the state of nature.

3.    very few travelogues failed to mention the primitive living conditions of the Americas

4.  the unstable and fragile nature of the man formed the backbone for this concept

Correct Answer :

of their assumption regarding Locke's basis for his theory of the state of nature.

Explanation :
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1.  reflects the prehistoric living conditions of the Americas.

2.  is necessary for the better .understanding of Locke's subsequent theory regarding man's entitlements and duties.

3.    Facilitates the easy deduction of man's natural character.

4.  Does not clearly explain the nature of man as witnessed in pure or natural conditions

Correct Answer :

is necessary for the better .understanding of Locke's subsequent theory regarding man's entitlements and duties.

Explanation :
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1.  neglected the basic principles that rule nature.

2.  tried to arrive at the principles governing civil society without clear definition of the nature of property and civil obligation.

3.  concentrated only on justifying his theory instead of describing the basic characteristics of natural man.

4.    limits his scholarly quest to searching for those examples that support his theory instead of facilitating an universal application

Correct Answer :

concentrated only on justifying his theory instead of describing the basic characteristics of natural man.

Explanation :
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1.  John Dunn

2.  Richard Ashcraft

3.  C.D. Macpherson

4.  James Tully

Correct Answer :

James Tully

Explanation :
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1.  It is a view of human existence.

2.    It is a standard by which a law can be criticized

3.  The rule that curtails or control's man's natural rights.

4.  It is the rejection of any form of government

Correct Answer :

It is a view of human existence.

Explanation :
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1.  the government had to spend a large amount of tax dollars on the research.

2.   too much money was invested in order to gain too little by way of quicker decoding of human genome.

3.  the expensive tag of certain drugs and procedures will deprive the developing countries of their benefit.

4.  the patent system, in general, seems to do more than that good to the society.

Correct Answer :

the patent system, in general, seems to do more than that good to the society.

Explanation :
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1.  could entice the pharma companies to find cure for widely prevalent diseases across continents

2.  may help in bringing out the human face of the pharma sector.

3.  may indirectly facilitate better treatment facilities for the poor especially of developing countries.

4.  is expected to bring about all the above three benefits.

Correct Answer :

is expected to bring about all the above three benefits.

Explanation :
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1.  The prize fund and the patent system are required to meet the health care requirements of vast majority of people.

2.  The system of prize fund will encourage need-directed research.

3.  The patent system has no role to play in the prize fund system.

4.    All of the above.

Correct Answer :

The patent system has no role to play in the prize fund system.

Explanation :
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1.  the manufacturers enjoy temporary exclusivity.

2.    the profits so generated have to take care of market distortions.

3.  they do not have generic drugs.

4.  they cater to the needs ofa niche segment (i.e.) life style diseases.

Correct Answer :

the manufacturers enjoy temporary exclusivity.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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