1. have coincided with cl imate extremes, and unsurprisingly
2. have coincided against climate extremes. so unsurprisingly
3. has coincided with climate extremes, so, unsurprisingly,
4. has coincided with climate extremes, so unsurprisingly that
has coincided with climate extremes, so, unsurprisingly,
1. into darker territory depicting more horror, as lives are invaded and nightmares banish peace of mind of
2. into a darker territory depicting more horror, as lives are invaded and nightmares banish peace of mind of
3. into a darker territory, depicting more horror, as lives become invaded and nightmares banish peace of mind
4. into darker territory, depicting more horror, as life is invaded and nightmares banish peace of mind of
into a darker territory depicting more horror, as lives are invaded and nightmares banish peace of mind of
1. A war that cannot be resolved.
2. A problem with no political solution.
3. A conflict that resists any type of settlement.
4. A war for which there is no political conviction.
A conflict that resists any type of settlement.
1. Conflicts are inherently intractable.
2. Intractable conflicts cannot be considered as unitary phenomenon.
3. Over a period of t.ime antagonistic or combative relationships among groups can lead to an intractable civil conflict.
4. An autocratic government, if not careful in its deliberations, actions and reactions, can foment a volatile situation into an internal conflict,
Conflicts are inherently intractable.
1. the states or the parties in the conflict usually possess a grievance and aim to redress or avenge that.
2. A grievance usually escalates into a conflict over a long period of time.
3. the aggrieved parties possess highly polarized perceptions regarding the contentious issue.
4. all the above three statements are relevant
all the above three statements are relevant
1. war becomes a form of money spinning enterprise to avaricious middlemen.
2. 'bad leaders' manipulate war situations in order to foment civil strife.
3. one of the aggrieved parties believes that the other has gained political mileage at its expense
4. in a democratic governance there is no unity among various participants.
one of the aggrieved parties believes that the other has gained political mileage at its expense
1. One ethnic group attacks the other ethnic group in power, as in the case of Darfur conflict.
2. A repressive regime exists, as in the case of the first phase of the Somali civil war.
3. A desire to control areas and operations that offer possibilities of commercial gain, as in the second civil war in Sudan.
4. All the above three cases.
All the above three cases.
1. can take form as a response to new situation.
2. has reference points in old situation or tradition.
3. will have its own path of repetition.
4. can have all the above aspects.
can have all the above aspects.
1. all traditions are invented.
2. customs and traditions actually have an ubiquitous presence.
3. the concept of tradition is an invention of modernity.
4. certain traditions are not as ancient as they appear to be.
the concept of tradition is an invention of modernity.
1. religious traditions have long history.
2. a tradition at a given point of time is the result of the amalgamation of practices of specific locations.
3. long history of a ritual does not translate it automatically as a pure tradition.
4. any tradition is responsive to change and evolutionary forces.
long history of a ritual does not translate it automatically as a pure tradition.