1. compare the atrocities committed by colonial regimes with those of communist regimes.
2. prove that the atrocities committed by colonial regimes were more that those of communist regimes.
3. prove that, ideologically, communism was much better than colonialism and Nazism.
4. neutralise the arguments of Mr. Lindblad and to point out that the atrocities committed by colonial regimes were more than those of communist regimes.
5. neutralise the arguments of Mr. Lindblad and to argue that one needs to go beyond and look at the motives of these regimes.
1. Both colonialism and Nazism were examples of tyranny of one race over another.
2. Several genocides committed by the colonial and the Nazi regimes were of similar magnitude.
3. Several ideas of the Nazi regime were directly imported from colonial regimes.
4. Both colonialism and Nazism are based on the principles of imperialism.
5. While communism was never limited to Europe, both the Nazis and the colonialists originated in Europe.
Several ideas of the Nazi regime were directly imported from colonial regimes.
1. The Council of Europe being dominated by erstwhile colonialists
2. Generating support for condemning communist ideology
3. Unwillingness to antagonize allies by ranking up an embarrassing past
4. Greater value seemingly placed on European live
5. Portraying both communism and Nazism as ideologies to be condemned
Portraying both communism and Nazism as ideologies to be condemned
1. A Utopia in which everyone is equal and no one enjoys any privilege based on their existing positions and powers.
2. A hypothetical society in which people agree upon principles of justice which are fair.
3. A society in which principles of justice are not based on the existing positions and.powers of the individuals.
4. A society in which principles of justice are fair to all.
5. A hypothetical society in which principles of justice are not based on the existing positions and powers of the individuals.
A hypothetical society in which people agree upon principles of justice which are fair.
1. A hypothetical situation conceived to derive principles of justice which are not influenced by position, status and condition of individuals in the society.
2. A hypothetical situation in which every individual is equal and no individual enjoys any privilege based on the existing positions and powers.
3. A hypothetical situation to ensure fairness of agreements among individuals in society.
4. An imagined situation in which principles of justice would have to be fair.
5. An imagined situation in which fairness is the objective of the principles of justice to ensure that no individual enjoys any privilege based on the existing positions and powers.
1. The principles of justice are chosen by businessmen, who are marooned on an uninhabited island after a shipwreck, but have some possibility of returning.
2. The principles of justice are chosen by a group of school children whose capabilities are yet to develop.
3. The principles of justice are chosen by businessmen, who are marooned on an uninhabited island after a shipwreck and have no possibility of returning.
4. The principles of justice are chosen assuming that such principles will govern the lives of the rulemakers only in their next birth if the rule makers agree that they will be born again.
5. The principles of justice are chosen by potential immigrants who are unaware of the resources necessary to succeed in a foreign country.
The principles of justice are chosen assuming that such principles will govern the lives of the rulemakers only in their next birth if the rule makers agree that they will be born again.
1. Social institutions and laws can be considered fair only if they conform to principles of justice.
2. Social institutions and laws can be fair only if they are consistent with the principles of justice as initially agreed upon.
3. social institutions and laws need to be fair in order to be just.
4. Social institutions and laws evolve fairly only if they are consistent with the principles of justice as initially agreed upon.
5. Social institutions and laws conform to the principles of justice as initially agreed upon.
Social institutions and laws can be fair only if they are consistent with the principles of justice as initially agreed upon.
1. The difference arising as a consequence of artistic license.
2. The difference between 'life' and 'interpretation of life'.
3. The difference between two artistic interpretations.
4. The difference between 'width' and 'depth' of creative power.
5. The difference between the legendary character and the modern day singer.
The difference arising as a consequence of artistic license.
1. Define the place of the poet in his culture.
2. Reflect on the role of the oarsman and the singer.
3. Muse on artistic labour and its aimlessness.
4. Understand the elements that one has to deal with.
5. Delve into natural experience and real waves.
Define the place of the poet in his culture.
1. Poets and artists who are driven by courage.
2. Poets and artists who create their own genre.
3. Poets and artists of the Renaissance.
4. Poets and artists who revitalize and enrich the past for us.
5. Poets and artists who delve in flotsam and jetsam in sea.
Poets and artists of the Renaissance.