1. One type of monomer
2. Two types of monomer
3. Three types of monomer
4. Four types of monomer
Two types of monomer
1. Aldose sugar
2. Ketose sugar
3. Disaccharide
4. Polysaccharide
Ketose sugar
1. Cellulose
2. Starch
3. Glycogen
4. Hyauronic acid
Hyauronic acid
1. Have same sugar
2. Have same pyrimidine bases
3. Are polymers of nucleotides
4. All of these
Are polymers of nucleotides
1. Genetic RNA
2. m-RNA
3. r-RNA
4. t-RNA
1. Phosphate and pentose sugar of a nucleotide
2. Two successive nucleotides of the same strand
3. Two nucleotides of the opposite strands
4. Nitrogen base and pentose sugar of a nucleotide
Two successive nucleotides of the same strand
1. Purines=Pyrimidines
2. A+T=G+C
3. A+U=G+C
4. None of these
None of these
1. Ratio of G:C is 1
2. A+T=G+C
3. A+G=T+C
4. Ratio of A:T is 1
1. Glucose
2. Fructose
3. Sucrose
4. Galactose
1. Simple carbohydrate
2. Complex carbohydrate
3. Not carbohydrate
4. Both (A) and (B)
Simple carbohydrate