1.  Lung

2.  Heart

3.  Intestine

4.  Nervous system

Correct Answer :

Nervous system

Explanation :
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1.  Haemochorialis

2.  Syndesmochorialis

3.  Endotheliochorialis

4.  Epitheliochorialis

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Coition

2.  Capacitation

3.  Insemination

4.  Spermiation

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Kills the sperms

2.  Activate the sperms

3.  Inculeate the sperms

4.  Denature the sperms

Correct Answer :

Kills the sperms

Explanation :
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1.  Diploid spermatozoan with diploid ovum to form diploid zygote

2.  Haploid spermatozoan with diploid ovum to form diploid zygote

3.  Diploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote

4.  Haploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote

Correct Answer :

Haploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote

Explanation :
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1.  Cuboidal cells

2.  Columnar cells

3.  Squamous cells

4.  Stratified cells

Correct Answer :

Cuboidal cells

Explanation :
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1.  Cleavage divisions bring about considerable increase in mass of protoplasm

2.  In the second division, one of the two blastomeres usually divides a little sooner than the second

3.  With more cleavage division,the resultant blastomeres become larger and larger

4.  Cleavage division result in hollow ball of cells called morula

Correct Answer :

In the second division, one of the two blastomeres usually divides a little sooner than the second

Explanation :
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1.  intracellular, obligate parasites

2.  intercellular, obligate parasites

3.  intracellular, facultative parasites

4.  intercellular, facultative parasites

Correct Answer :

intracellular, obligate parasites

Explanation :
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1.  Viruses can grow in food in your refrigerator

2.  All viruses are dangerous to human

3.  Viruses are prokaryotic organisms

4.  Viruses can take over control of eukaryotic cells

Correct Answer :

Viruses can take over control of eukaryotic cells

Explanation :
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1.  Viruses can enter animal cells after a sucking insect has disrupted the cell wall with is mouthparts

2.  Viruses can enter bacterial cells by binding to a specific molecule on the cell membrane or cell wall

3.  Viruses can enter animal cells by binding to a specific molecule on the cell membrane

4.  Plant viruses can enter host cells after a sucking insect has disrupted the cell wall with its mouthparts

Correct Answer :

Viruses can enter animal cells after a sucking insect has

disrupted the cell wall with is mouthparts

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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