1. Corpus albicans
2. Corpus callosum
3. Corpora bigemina
4. Corpora quadrigemina
Corpus albicans
1. Fertilization of a and b are not compatible
2. Antifertilizin of a and b are not compatible
3. Fertilizin of a and antifertilizin of b are not compatible
4. antifertilizin of a and fertilizin of b are not compatible
antifertilizin of a and fertilizin of b are not compatible
1. Gastrula
2. Graafian follicle
3. Ovary
4. Blastula
Graafian follicle
1. Brain of rabbit
2. Fertilized egg of frog
3. Eye of frog
4. Retina of cockroach
Fertilized egg of frog
1. 40
2. 400
3. 4000
4. 200000
1. Release of the ovum from ovary into the body cavity
2. Ovum is liberated from fallopian tube
3. Sperm fuses with ovum
4. All these together happen
Ovum is liberated from fallopian tube
1. Heap of eggs
2. Heap of maturing follicle
3. Mass of cells in Graafian follicle
4. Mass of sperms embedded in sertoli cells
Heap of eggs
1. Blastogenesis
2. Gastrulogenesis
3. Neurilation
4. Notogenesis
1. Obliteration of archenteron
2. Closure of neural tube
3. Obliteration of blastocoels
4. None of the above
Obliteration of archenteron
1. Isolecithal
2. Microlecithal
3. Centrolecithal
4. Telolecithal