1. Homologous chromosomes pair and exchange parts
2. Chromosome number is halved
3. Four nuclei formed are not similar
4. All the above
All the above
1. genetic functions of the organism
2. initiating conjugation
3. initiating binary fission
4. vegetative functions of the organism.
vegetative functions of the organism.
1. intake of H2O
2. controlling of activities of cilia
3. exit of undigested wastes
4. entry of food vacuoles.
exit of undigested wastes
1. Interphase
2. Prophase
3. Telophase
4. S- phase
1. removal of excretory products after digestion
2. removal of nitrogenous wastes
3. removal of excess of water content from cytoplasm
4. respiration.
removal of excess of water content from cytoplasm
1. Prophase
2. Metaphase
3. Anaphase
4. Telophase
1. faster multiplication
2. slower increase in number
3. consumes less time
4. None of the above.
faster multiplication
1. Larger and colied
2. much contracted, thickened and coiled
3. much contracted, thickened and uncoiled
4. larger and straight
much contracted, thickened and coiled
1. New organ
2. New organism
3. Zygote
4. Cancer
1. one hour
2. two hours
3. half an hour
4. three hours.
half an hour