1. The chromosome number is reduced to half
2. The chromosome number remains same
3. The chromosome number is doubled
4. The chromosomes number is reduced to one fourth
The chromosome number is reduced to half
1. two species
2. one species
3. one variety of one species
4. two varieties of same speices.
two varieties of same speices.
1. twice to form four nuclei
2. thrice to form eight nuclei
3. four to form eight nuclei
4. once to form two nuclei.
thrice to form eight nuclei
1. four
2. three
3. eight
4. two.
1. posterolateral
2. anterolateral
3. posteroventral
4. anterodosal
1. co-ordinate the various stimuli
2. co-ordinate the ciliary beat
3. control osmoregulation
4. control digestion.
co-ordinate the ciliary beat
1. Golgi and Celli
2. Ronald Ross
3. Charles Laveran
4. Patric Mansu
Charles Laveran
1. 10 days
2. 12 days
3. 14 days
4. 29 days
14 days
1. 24 hours
2. 72 hours
3. 48 hours
4. 30 hours
72 hours
1. erythrocyte of man
2. salivary glands of female anopheles
3. stomach of the female anopheles
4. liver cells of man.
stomach of the female anopheles