1. Haploid
2. Diploid
3. polyploidy
4. Triploid.
1. 1 to 4
2. 2 to 5
3. 2 to 6
4. 1 to 8.
2 to 5
1. anatropous with three integuments
2. anatropous with one integuments
3. amphitropous with one three integuments.
4. orthotropous with one integument.
anatropous with one integuments
1. pollen tube with two motile sperms
2. endosperm with archegonia
3. endosperm with sperms.
4. endosperm with embryo core.
endosperm with archegonia
1. roots
2. endosperm
3. dwarf shoot
4. endosperm with embryo core.
1. trifoloar
2. bifoliar
3. multifoliar
4. tetrafoliar.
1. pinus roxburghii
2. pinus gerardiana
3. pinus wallichiana
4. pinus longifolia
pinus gerardiana
1. after making a semi-circle
2. after making a complete circles
3. after making two concentric circles
4. None of the above.
after making a semi-circle
1. apical bud
2. dwarf shoot
3. long shoot
4. None of these.
dwarf shoot
1. branches
2. dwarf shoot
3. long shoot
4. leaf.
long shoot