1. branches of unlimited growth
2. branches of limited growth
3. branches of the limited and unlimited growth
4. female cones.
branches of limited growth
1. Mesophytic
2. Xerophytic
3. Hydrophytic
4. Sporophytic.
1. Anemophytic
2. Entomophilous
3. Hydrophilous
4. Sporpphytic.
1. having seeds
2. having naked ovules
3. showing heterospory
4. None of the above.
having naked ovules
1. Curcuma longa
2. Bryophyte
3. pinus australis
4. Opioglossum.
pinus australis
1. periblastic
2. holoblastic
3. meroblastic
4. None of these.
1. furniture
2. building purpose
3. match boxes
4. All the above.
All the above.
1. Cycas
2. pinus
3. Papaver species
4. None of the above.
1. haploid
2. diploid
3. triploid
4. tetraploid.
1. photosynthesis
2. increasing absorption
3. providing support
4. checking transpiration.
providing support