1. moist soil
2. moist tissue of sporophyte in the cone
3. bogs and marshes
4. the rainy season only.
moist tissue of sporophyte in the cone
1. pinus forms deciduous tree in temperate regions
2. pinus grows in deserts and exhibit xerophytic characters
3. pinus is cosmopolitan in distribution
4. pinus is of a great economic value.
pinus is of a great economic value.
1. Cycas
2. pinus
3. Zamia
4. Gnetum
1. Cedrus
2. pinus
3. Dalbergia
4. Sequoia.
1. neck canal cells
2. venter cells
3. both
4. None of these.
1. Fruit
2. Endosperm
3. Micropyle
4. Ovule.
1. No fruits are produced
2. No seeds are produced
3. Antheridia and archegonia are present
4. Pollen tube is formed.
No fruits are produced
1. embryo sac
2. bract scale
3. ovule
4. apophysis.
1. epispore
2. endosperm
3. perisperm
4. pericarp.
1. Phanerogams
2. Angiosperms
3. Gymnosperms
4. Spermatophyta.