1. Dryopteris
2. Pteris
3. Adiantum
4. Lycopodium
5. Selaginella
1. Adiantum
2. Equisetum
3. Dryopeteris
4. Salvinia.
1. Smaller but to have larger sex organs
2. Larger but to have smaller sex organs
3. Larger and to have larger sex organs
4. Smaller and to have smaller sex organs.
Smaller and to have smaller sex organs.
1. Selaginella
2. Psilotum
3. Equisetum
4. Pteris.
1. apical portion
2. intercalary portion
3. basal portion
4. lateral portion
basal portion
1. apical portion
2. intercalary portion
3. basal portion
4. lateral portion
basal portion
1. tracheids with bordered pits
2. vessels
3. tracheids and vessels both in equal amount
4. more vessels than tracheids.
tracheids with bordered pits
1. above suspensor cells
2. between suspensor and embryonal cells
3. between primary and secondary suspensor cells.
4. between embryonal cells and apical cells.
above suspensor cells
1. intercellular space
2. schizogenous cavit
3. lysigenous cavity
4. big vacuole.
schizogenous cavit
1. three months
2. six months
3. nine months
4. twelve months.
twelve months.