1. A passive process
2. An active process
3. Both (A) and (B)
4. Neither (A) and (B)
An active process
1. Two
2. Many
3. Four
4. Six
1. The intercostal muscles contract
2. The ribs are pulled outward
3. The diaphragm lifts upward
4. Volumn of thoracic cavity increases
The diaphragm lifts upward
1. O2
2. CO2
3. H2O
4. All of these
1. 5
2. 10
3. 15
4. 20
1. ATP
2. carbon dioxide and water vapour
3. Both (A) and (B)
4. Neither (A) and (B)
Both (A) and (B)
1. Cancer
2. Cardiac failure
3. Chronic renal failure
4. Leucocytosis
Chronic renal failure
1. Pharyngitis
2. laryngitis
3. Hay fever
4. Pneumonia
1. Trachea
2. Alveoli
3. Bronchi
4. Broncholes
1. Longer
2. Shorter
3. Broader
4. Heavier