1. Inspiration
2. Expiration
3. Both (A) and (B)
4. Internal respiration
1. Is greater than
2. Is less than
3. Is same as
4. All of these
Is greater than
1. Contract and pull the ribs outward
2. Relax and pull the ribs outwards
3. contract and pull the ribs inwards
4. Relax and pull the ribs inwards
Contract and pull the ribs outward
1. Normal inspiration and partial expiration
2. Normal expiration and normal inspiration-
3. Partial inspiration and expiration
4. Normal inspiration and expiration
Normal inspiration and partial expiration
1. Familial
2. Environmental
3. Seasonal
4. Atrogenic
1. Pharyngitis
2. Laryngitis
3. Hay fever
4. Pneumonia
1. Pharyngitis
2. Pneumonia
3. Bronchitis
4. rhinitis
1. Sternum,ribs,vertebral,column
2. Ribs
3. Lungs
4. Diaphragm
1. 3,2
2. 2,3
3. 3,3
4. 2,2
1. Swishing
2. Squeezing
3. Wheezing
4. Hypo-inflation