1. 14th to 16th
2. 1st to 3rd
3. 15th to 26th
4. 18th to 19th
15th to 26th
1. 17th,18th,and 19th
2. 14th,15th,and 16th
3. First three
4. 25th,26th and 27th
14th,15th,and 16th
1. Medulla oblongata
2. Cerebellum
3. Cerebrum
4. Olfactory lobe
1. Prostomium
2. Peristomium
3. Clitellar region
4. Septal region
1. Taste sensillae
2. Taste papillae
3. Taste buds
4. Oscillar spots
Taste sensillae
1. Diocoel
2. Paracoel
3. Rhinocoel
4. Optocoel
1. Earthworm
2. Pigeon
3. Frog
4. Mice
1. Bile production
2. Metabolic regulation
3. Production of haemocyanin
4. Production of haemoglobin
Bile production
1. Brown
2. Green
3. Pale yellow
4. Green with black spots
Green with black spots
1. Rhinencephalon
2. Thalamencephalon
3. Mesencephalon
4. Rhombencephalon