1. Collect wastes from blood and coelomic fluid
2. Discharge the wastes in the alimentary canal
3. Maintains salt-water balance
4. All of these
All of these
1. Incomplete,straight with one opening
2. Complete,straight with separate opening at opposite end
3. Complete,U-shape with two opening
4. Incomplete,branched without anus
Complete,straight with separate opening at opposite end
1. Copulation
2. Cocoon formation
3. Locomotion
4. Excretion
Cocoon formation
1. Supra-oesophageal ganglia
2. Sub-oesophageal ganglia
3. Supra-pharyngeal ganglia
4. Sub-pharyngeal ganglia
Supra-oesophageal ganglia
1. Clitellum
2. Prostomium
3. Periostomium
4. Proboscis
1. Tergum
2. Sternum
3. Pleurons
4. Labrum
1. 13th to 15th
2. 14th to 16th
3. 17th to 25th
4. 17th to last
17th to last
1. Above ventral blood vessel
2. Dorsal blood vessel
3. Above ventral blood ventral
4. Beneath ventral blood vessel
Beneath ventral blood vessel
1. Osmoregulation
2. Excretion of nitrogenous waste materials
3. Respiration
4. Locomotion
1. Streamlined dorsoventrally flattened
2. Triangular narrow anteriorly and broad posteriorly
3. Spindle shaped
4. Elongated dorsoventrally flattened
Triangular narrow anteriorly and broad posteriorly