1.  As much as 80% of the amino acids and glucose of the ultrafiltrate are reabsorbed by the thin portion of the loop of Henle

2.  Rennin, produced by the juxtaglomerular apparatus, acts directly on arterial smooth muscle to cause vasodilation

3.  Antidiuretic hormone causes the collecting tubules to become more permeable to water, thus concentrating the urine

4.  Interlobular arteries arise from arcuate arteries and pass into the cortex via the medullary rays

Correct Answer :

Antidiuretic hormone causes the collecting tubules to become more permeable to water, thus concentrating the urine

Explanation :
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1.  proteinaceous

2.  glycopolysaccharides

3.  mucopolysaccharides

4.  glycoproteins


Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Mclung; 1902

2.  Castel; 1903

3.  Stevens; 1905

4.  Correns; 1905

Correct Answer :

Stevens; 1905

Explanation :
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1.   Equilibrium of the body

2.  Temperature of the body

3.  Blood pressure constant

4.  Constant composition of the blood irrespective of the nature of the food or fluid intake

Correct Answer :

Constant composition of the blood irrespective of the nature of the food or fluid intake

Explanation :
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1.  X-ray

2.  CAT scanner

3.  amniocentesis

4.  PET scanner

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  lady becomes weak

2.  oocyte can show disjunction

3.  ovaries become weak

4.  placenta becomes weak

Correct Answer :

oocyte can show disjunction

Explanation :
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1.  B-pelvis – broad funnel shaped space inner to hilum, directly connected to loops of Henle

2.  C- Medulla – inner zone of kidney and contains complex nephrons

3.  D- Cortex – outer part of kidney and do not contain any part of nephrons

4.  A-Adrenal gland – located at the anterior part of kidney. Secrete Catecholamines which stimulate glycogen breakdown

Correct Answer :

A-Adrenal gland – located at the anterior part of kidney. Secrete Catecholamines which stimulate glycogen breakdown

Explanation :
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1.  AB and O

2.  A and B

3.  A, B, O

4.  B and O

Correct Answer :

AB and O

Explanation :
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1.  A and O in ratio 1 : 4

2.  O only

3.  B and O in the ratio 1 : 4

4.   A and B in equal ratio

Correct Answer :

O only

Explanation :
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1.  Length of the proximal convouluted tubule

2.  Length of Henle’s loop

3.  Area of Bowman’s capsule epithelium

4.  Capillary network formatting glomerulus

Correct Answer :

Length of Henle’s loop

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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