1. Urea
2. Creatinine
3. Sodium
4. Glucose
1. fraternal
2. siamese
3. idential
4. None of these
1. Human being
2. Cockroach
3. Planana
4. Prawn
Human being
1. Waldeyer
2. Harris and Watkin
3. Tijo and Levan
4. Beadle and Tatum
Tijo and Levan
1. 7
2. 4
3. 3
4. 16
1. acquire water and get rid of salt
2. get rid of both water and salt
3. get rid of water and acquire salt
4. acquire both water and salt
get rid of water and acquire salt
1. Landsteiner
2. De Castello
3. Sturli
4. Both (b) and (c)
Both (b) and (c)
1. 13-trisomy
2. 18-trisomy
3. 20-trisomy
4. None of these
1. 43 + XY (45)
2. 44 + XYY (47)
3. 44 + XO (45)
4. 44 + YO (45)
44 + XYY (47)
1. sex-limited character
2. sex-linked character
3. sexually transmitted character
4. sexually controlled character
sex-limited character