1. Down’s syndrome
2. Patau’s syndrome
3. Klinefelter’s syndrome
4. Turner’s syndrome
Down’s syndrome
1. recessive autosomal genes
2. dominant autosomal genes
3. recessive sex genes
4. dominant sex genes
recessive autosomal genes
1. TB
2. haemophilia
3. rickets
4. blindness
1. 44
2. 23
3. 46
4. 22
1. interphase
2. fertilization
3. mitotic metaphase
4. meiotic metaphase
mitotic metaphase
1. 5
2. 6
3. 10
4. 7
1. During micturition, the urinary baldder contract and the urethral sphincters open
2. Flame cells and malpighian tubules are found in flatworms and insects respectively
3. Two counter- current systems are formed in the kidney by the loop of Henle and the Vasa recta
4. All of above
All of above
1. metacentric
2. acrocentric
3. submetacentric
4. All of these
All of these
1. Skin functions as an accessory excretory organ
2. Mammals can eliminate hypotonic and hypertonic urine according to body needs
3. Mammals are ureotelic, but birds are uricotelic
4. None of these
None of these
1. 24
2. 22
3. 26
4. 29