1. sex-linked dominant
2. sex-linked recessive
3. autosomal recessive
4. autosomal dominant
autosomal recessive
1. a ,b and c
2. a and c
3. b and d
4. b, d and e
b and d
1. AB and O
2. A and B
3. A and O
4. AB and A
AB and O
1. trisomy of 21st chromosome
2. absence of one chromosome
3. trisomy of 18th chromosome
4. it is an autosomal recessive case
absence of one chromosome
1. 10%
2. 50%
3. 100%
4. 75%
1. XXY
2. XY
3. XX
4. XYY
1. epigenetics
2. euthenics
3. ethnology
4. eugenic
1. centromere position
2. genetic compatibility
3. genetic incompatibility
4. number of Barr bodies
number of Barr bodies
1. an AIDS patient
2. deaf
3. haemophilic
4. colourblind
1. mother is colourblind
2. only father is colourblind
3. none are colourblind
4. both are colourblind
both are colourblind