A. work hard to for succeed night and day
B. hard work for and succeed night to day
C. work hard for to succeed night and day
D. hard work for to succeed night and day
E. None of these
If someone wants to attend only two lectures out of Psychology, Research Methods and Computer Science but wants the two days to be successive(one after the other) then which lecture - combination may be selected?
A and B start walking, from a point, in opposite directions A cover 3km and B covers 4km. Then A turns right and walks 4km while B turns left and walks 3km. How far is each from the starting point?
Which of the following is true regarding F ?
Jayant Desai was 28 years old as on 1.7.2001. he has secured 45% and 60% in graduation respectively. he has been working for the last three years after his post-graduation. he has secured 60% marks in the interview
Ravi is 7 ranks ahead of Sumit in aclass of 39. If Sumit's rank is seventeenth from the last, what is Ravi's rank from the start?
Meenakshi, the daughter of an ex-employee of ABC Medical college, was born on 23rd October, 1980. she has passed her B.Sc. with 58% marks. she can pay only ? 20,000 as deposit
The year next to 1991 having the same calendar as 1990 is
How many such pairs of digits are there in the number 95137248 each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when they are arranged in ascending order?
Statement: “Best way to solve this problem of workers dissatisfaction is to offer them cash rewards. If this type of incentive can solve the problem in CIDCO company then why not here.”-A personal Manager tells the chairman of a company.
Assumptions: I. The reason for workers dissatisfaction in both the companies was similar.
II. Monetary incentives have universal appeal.
Which of the following is seventh to the nineteenth digit from the right and of the above arrangement ?