Reasoning - Logical Sequence Test

Test Instructions :

1. The Test is 1hr duration.
2. The Test Paper consists of 30 questions. The maximum marks are 30.
3. All the questions are multiple choice question type with three options for each question.
4. Out of the three options given for each question, only one option is the correct answer.
5. Each question is allotted 1 mark for each correct response.
6. 0.25 will be deducted for incorrect response of each question.
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72 hens cost Rs. __ 96.7__. Then what does each hen cost, where two digits in place of‘ __ ’are not visible or are written in illegible hand





Which is the least number that must be subtracted from 1856, so that the remainder, when divided by 7, 12, and 16, will leave the same remainder 4





Which of the following mentioned perfume formulas can be made agreeable by eliminating some or all of one fragrance?






What is the difference between the smallest and the largest six-digit numbers formed using the digits0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5?





The rate of inflation was 1000%. Then what will be the cost of an article, which costs 6 units of currency now, 2 years from now











Which letter represents the set of persons who play tennis and Badminton but not Volley Ball?





The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then the value of x is:





How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters I,C,B,R using each letter only once in each word?





In a race of 200 m run, A beats S by 20 m and N by 40 m. If S and N are running a race of 100 m with exactly same speed as before, then by how many metres will S beat N?





Which of the following divides 1442 + 1692 + 144 × 169?





If J $ K means K is the father of J; J # K means B is the mother of J; J * K means K is the sister of J and J @ K means K is the husband of J, which of the following indicates that P is the grandmother of P?






How many such pairs of letters are there in the word CREATION each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions), as they have between them in the English alphabetical series?






The sum of ages of Tim, Tom and Jerry is 160 years at present. Then, what was the sum of their ages five years ago?






One root of  x2+ kx – 8 = 0 is square of the other. Then the value of k is





A dealer offers a cash discount of 20% and still makes a profit of 20%, when he further allows 16, articles to a dozen to a particularly sticky bargainer. How much percent above the cost price were his wares listed





All successful managers are dishonest. All dishonest managers are successful.  X is a successful manager if and only if Y is a successful manager. X is an unsuccessful manager and he is a dishonest manager. X is a successful manager and Y is an unsuccessful manager. Y is an honest manager.





If the first half of the English alphabet is reversed and so is the second half, then which letter is seventh to the right of twelfth letter from the left side? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ






Four friends start from four towns, which are at the four corners of an imaginary rectangle. They meet at a point which falls inside the rectangle, after travelling distances of40, 50, and 60 metres. The maximum distance that the fourth could have travelled is (approximately):





If every third letter from the following English alphabet is dropped, which letter will be seventh to the right of eleventh letter from your right? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ






Two numbers are less than a third number by 30% and 37% respectively. How much percent is the second number less than the first?





A trader in order to code the prices of article used the letters of PSICHOLAZY in the form of '0 to 9' respectively. Which of the following code stands for ? 875.50?






At an enquiry office at a railway station, apassenger was told ‘A train for Delhi has left 15 minutes ago, but after every 45 minutes a train leaves for Delhi.The next train will leave at 8.30 pm’. At what time was this information given to the passenger?





If a 4 digit number is formed with digits 1, 2, 3 and 5. What is the probability that the number is divisible by 25, if repetition of digits is not allowed?





Which of the following is related to 'Melody' in the same way as 'Delicious' is related to 'Taste'?






2/5 of the voters promise to vote for P and the rest promised to vote for Q. Of these, on the last day 15%of the voters went back of their promise to vote for P and 25% of voters went back of their promise to votefor Q, and P lost by 2 votes. Then the total number of voters is





A man buys spirit at Rs. 60 per litre, adds water to it and then sells it at Rs. 75 per litre. What is the ratio of spirit to water if his profit in the deal is 37.5%





Two typists undertake to do a job. The second typist begins working one hour after the first. Three hours after the first typist has begun working, there is still 9/20 of the work to be done. When the assignment is completed, it turns out that each typist has done half the work. How many hours would it take each one to do the whole job individually





256.33 - 14.32 = ? - 55.44 






A man can walk up a moving ‘up’ escalator in 30 s. The same man can walk down this moving ‘up’escalator in 90 s. Assume that his walking speed is same upwards and downwards. How much time will he take to walk up the escalator, when it is not moving





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