IBPS - Reasoning Test

Test Instructions :

1. The Test is 1hr duration.
2. The Test Paper consists of 30 questions. The maximum marks are 30.
3. All the questions are multiple choice question type with three options for each question.
4. Out of the three options given for each question, only one option is the correct answer.
5. Each question is allotted 1 mark for each correct response.
6. 0.25 will be deducted for incorrect response of each question.
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Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence from a group. Which the following does not belong to that group?






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence from a group. Find the one which is different from the other four






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?





Which of the following is true regarding F ?






Karan Thapar was born on July 15, 1982. He can pay ?20,000 at the time of admission. He has secured 89 per cent average marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. He has secured 96 per cent aggregate marks in XII Std. Exam in Science stream.






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?  






If A+B means A is the brother of B; A/b means A is the father of B and A*B means A is the sister of B,which of the following means m is the uncle of P?






Statement : The government has recently announced incentive package for setting up new business ventures in the rural areas and promised uninterrupted power supply to all the units Assumptions :I. The government may be able to supply adequate power to all such units.  II. People living in the rural areas may welcome the government decision.






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?





Who likes Sanskrit?






Four Of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group- Which is the one that does not belong to that group?






If P+Q means P is the husband of Q;P+Q means P is the sister of Q and P*Q means P is the son of Q,which of the following shows A is the daughter of B?





Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?






Statements: Should young entrepreneurs be encouraged? Arguments: I. Yes. They will help in industrial development of the country. II. Yes. They will reduce the burden on employment market.






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one tht does not belong to that group






Which of the following words cannot be formed from the letters of the key word?






If in a certain language .TRIANGLE is coded as SQHZMFKD which word would be coded as DWZLOKD?






What will be the first digit of the second highest number after the position of only the second and the third digits within each number are interchanged?






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.Which is the one that does not belong to that group






Which country has won the cricket world cup maximum number of times?





A+B means B is brother of A; A×B means B is husband of A;A-B means A is mother of B; and A÷B means A is father of B. Then which of the following expression indicates 'P' is grandmother of 'T' ?






Which word does NOT belong with the others?





Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?






258  130  66  ?  18  10





ram, goat, sheep, ewe, bitch





1W  2V  3U  5T  ?  13R





Statement : The government has instructed all the private schools in the city to maintain the current fees for atleast two more years. Assumptions: 1.The authorities of private schools may not follow the government instruction as they are not depended on government funds. 2.The parents of the students of private schools of the city may still be eager to pay higher fees.






What percentage of number from 1to 70 have squares that end in the digit 1?





in acertain code language , ‘put tir fin’ means ‘delicious juicy fruit’; ‘tie dip sig’ means ‘beautiful white lily’ and ‘sig ion fin’ means ‘lily and fruit’ which of the following stands for ‘and’ in that language





HV  GT FR EP DN    ?





If first 6 letters shall be written in opposite order, then the next 6 letters shall be written in opposite order and so on, and at the end Y will be interchanged by Z then which will be the fourth letter to the right of 13th letter from left?






f(6, 4) equals to





P+Q means p is the brother of Q;P-Q means p is the mother of Q and P *q means P is the sister of Q. which of the following means M is the maternal uncle of R?






Statement: “Best way to solve this problem of workers dissatisfaction is to offer them cash rewards. If this type of incentive can solve the problem in CIDCO company then why not here.”-A personal Manager tells the chairman of a company. Assumptions: I. The reason for workers dissatisfaction in both the companies was similar. II. Monetary incentives have universal appeal.






If in a certain language ITNIETAM is the code for INTIMATE which word has the code TREVNIETARBL?






In a certain code language, 'PLUS' is coded as 'SULQ', similarly 'MASK' is coded as 'KSAN'. How will 'FLIP' be coded in the same code language?






If 'white' means 'black'; ‘black’ means 'red'; 'red' means 'blue', ‘blue’ means 'yellow' ;'yellow" means ‘ grey', then which of the following represents the colour of clear sky






80, 75, 65, 50,               .





Statements: Some buildings are sofas.Some sofas are benches. Some benches are tables. Conclusions : (I) Some table is sofa. (II) No table is sofa.






In a certain code 'SHINE' is coded as 'FQJIT' and AFTER’ is coded as SFUGB’. How will ‘PRICE’ be coded in the same code?  






If P$Q means P is father of Q, P#Q means P is mother of Q, P*Q means P is sister of Q, then how is related to N in N #L$P*Q?






If the word SHARP is written as 58034 and PUSH is written as 4658, then how will you write the word RUSH?





From the salary of an officer, 10% is deducted as house rent, 20% of the rest, he spends on conveyance, 20% of the rest he pays as income tax and 10% of the balance, he spends on clothes. Then, he is left with Rs. 15,552. Find his total salary?





Neha khoobchandani was born on 27th october1972. she has been working for the last seven years after her graduation in which she secured 65% marks. she has secured 45% and 55% marks in competitive written examination and interview respectively.






If MADRAS can be written as ARSARS, how can ARKONAM be written in that code?





If CIGARETTE is written as GICERAETT, then how will you code DIRECTION?





Which word does NOT belong with the others?





How is A related to B? A P, the only son of A, has two sister B A's son is the brother of the only sister of B C B and P are children of A






Which word does NOT belong with the others?





Nandini is the only daughter of Madan’s sister Sangita’s brother. How is Nandini related to Madan ?






Four of the following five are alike in a certainwaybased on their positions in the above arrangementand so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?






A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs. 36 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His profit percent is:






If the code of sixth batch of the day is 'so when clean get lemon dust', which of the following batch codes would be the code for seventh batch?






Jenifer did her MD after doing her MBBS. she is ready to execute 3 years bond of service. she has good command over local language as well as Hindi. she has practised for 5 years in a remote village out of her love for social service. she has obtained 77%,88%, 47% and 56% at SSC, HSC, MBBS, and MD respectively






If kamal says, '"Ravi’s mother is the only daughter of my mother”, how is the kamal related to ravi?






Statement: Should the system of Lok Adalats and mobile courts be encouraged in India?   Arguments: I. Yes. It helps to grant speedy jusitice to the masses.  II. No. These courts are usually partial in garnting justice






What is the position of A with respect to his grandchild?






8544 - 5757 + 1111 = 1255 + ?






Is the grandmother of Q ? I. P is the mother of Q. Q is the son of R. R is the son of T. II. L is father of N and N is daughter of T.






In a certain language, GRASP is coded as BMVNK, which word would be coded as CRANE?











Boxes numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are kept in a row, and they which are to be filled with either a red or ablue ball, such that no two adjacent boxes can be filled with blue balls. Then how many different arrangements are possible, given that all balls of a given colour are exactly identical in all respects?





Which of the following is a correct statement ?





1.gita, ravi and suresh are children of. mr. and mrs. khanna 2. renu,raja and sumit are children of mr. and mrs. chopra 3. sumit and gita are married and ashok and sanjay their children 4. garima and ram are children of mr. and mrs. chawla/ 5 garima is married to suresh and has three children rata,sonu,raju raju's sur name is:





In a certain code language, “ we are going there ” is written as “ ta ba sa da ” “are you coming there” is written as “ba ca do da”. How is “we” written in that code ?






In the alpha-numerical sequence/series given below, how many numbers are there which are (i) immediately followed by a letter at the even place in English alphabet and (ii) not immediately preceded by a letter at the odd place in the English alphabet?W2N1V9G2P4X6K7R1T8L3H5Q8U2J






A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the man related to the woman?






Statements: Some shirts are biscuits. No biscuit is book. Conclusions: I. Some shirts are books. II. Some books are biscuits.






P, Q, R, S and T are playing a game of cards. P says to Q, "If you give me six cards, you will have as many cards as T has and if I give you three cards, you will have as many cards as S has." P and Q together have 20 cards more than what S and T together have. If Q has two cards more than what R has and the total number of cards be 133, how many cards does Q have?






Chandrakant is a 30-year-old officer who has worked as sales representative for five years. He is a keen sportsman and actor and has won many prizes in college-university level events. He is ready to pay security deposit of ? 10,000 He has obtained 67%, 58% and 55% marks at B.Sc., WE and Diploma in Business. Management respectively






If in a certain language, COUNSEL is coded as BITIRAK, how is GUIDANCE written in that code?





Hrishikesh is a B.Com. Graduate with 58% marks and has done postgraduate diploma in Management with specialization in Personnel with 75% marks. He cleared the selection test with 60% marks and the interview with 62% marks. He had completed 24 years of age on 15th September 2007. He is willing to work anywhere in India.






If z=52 and ACT=48, then BAT will be equal to





2  4  8  14  22  ?





D is brother of B. M is brother of B. Kis father of M. T is wife of K. How is B related to T?






A and B are married couple.X and Y are brothers.X is the brother of A.how is y related to B?






Statement : The municipal authority blocked movement of traffic in and around the temple during the main festival city. Assumptions: 1.Very large number of devotees may visit the temple during the main festival day. 2. People travelling to the areas near the temple may postpone their journey by a day unless s instructed all the they have very urgent work in that area.






pulley, hawser, crane, wharf, load





Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the that does not belong to that group?






In a certain code ‘where have you been‘ is written as ‘been 4 have 3 where 2 you 1’ and ‘visiting London this summer‘ is written as ‘London 4 summer 3 this 2 visiting 1’ How will ‘repair may computer yesterday‘ be written in the same code?  






The year next to 1991 having the same calendar as 1990 is






(A) A substantial increase in the unhealthy competition has been observed among the students. (B) A rise of 23% is reported every year in the cases of suicides after declaration of grade 10thand 12th examination results.






Question has four items. Three of them are related or belong to one group and the fourth does not. Select as your answer that item which does not belong to the group.





If ax=by=cz, (b/a)=(c/b) and a, b and c are not equal, then what is the value of 2z/(x+z)?





A and B are brothers. C and D are sisters. A’s son is D’s brother. How is B related to C?






Four of the following are alike in a certain way and so a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?






2, 12, 30, 56, ?, 132, 182





If P*Q- S, which of the following is true?






A clock is so placed that at 12 noon its minute hand points towards north-east. In which direction does its hour hand point at 1.30 pm?





How many 4s are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a digit which has a numerical value of more than four?






Statement : The number of dropouts in government schools has significantly increased in the urban areas over the past few years. Courses of action :I. The government should immediately close down all such schools in the urban areas where the dropout goes beyond 20 percent. II. The parents of all the students who dropped out of the government schools in urban areas should be punished.






A and B start walking, from a point, in opposite directions A cover 3km and B covers 4km. Then A turns right and walks 4km while B turns left and walks 3km. How far is each from the starting point?






if in a certain language , UTENSIL is coded as WVGPUKN, which word would be coded as DMSFXG?






Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?






Kalyani is an Engineer with 72% marks in Telecommunication. She has just completed 27 years of age. She has cleared the selection test with 59% marks. She is willing to sign the bond.  






Which word does NOT belong with the others?





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