Ibps - English - Fill In The Blanks Test

Test Instructions :

1. The Test is 1hr duration.
2. The Test Paper consists of 30 questions. The maximum marks are 30.
3. All the questions are multiple choice question type with three options for each question.
4. Out of the three options given for each question, only one option is the correct answer.
5. Each question is allotted 1 mark for each correct response.
6. 0.25 will be deducted for incorrect response of each question.
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   Time Left : 00 : 30    : 00

If misery is the effect of ill fortune, it ought to be pitied, if of…………….to be…………






Artistes usually look for established companies that will promote them not as singers, but as a __________.





Fill in the blanks with the appropriate given. Fortunately no one was hurt _______ the accident being ______






 In our country, the challenges are to raise ________ incomes to reduce poverty, and to ______ inefficient public sector enterprises.





A species does not lose the right to exist _______ because it does not provide eco-system service that is useful to humans.





The work assigned to me is not…………  though it is very………..






This is a group insurance policy, in favour of the workers, _____ accident or injury





And it was Clive who was given the job of ——-the ——–that was to become known as the black hole of Calcutta.






The Chairman had to quickly refute the allegation that his country was trying to _______ the starving people of Zambia with weapons of war _____ their crying need for food and medicine.





Indian intellectuals may boast, if they are so inclined, of being __________________ to the most elitist among the intellectual _______________of the world.





This is a group insurance policy, in favour of the workers, _____ accident or injury.





Neutrons stars are believed to be the highly compressed remnants of exploding stars (supernovas) and thus _______ of one of the most _______ processes in nature.





If you are trying to make a strong impression on your audience, you can not do so by being understated, tentative, or __________.





These stories are just a few of the _______, sometimes extraordinary ones in this volume, in which people face unbelievable odds_and __________





______ curtains of lace not only add grace but also _______ robbers from breaking into houses for fear of being seen





She was overcome with a wave of ______ whenever she thought of her childhood in Bihar





His face was not made up of ………. and ……… but by the sheer force of thinking.





Before his marriage the Duke had led an austere existence and now regarded the affectionate, somewhat ____ behavior of his young wife as simply ____ .






Since her face was free of __________ there was no way to __________ if she appreciated what had happened.





Every …………………step man takes in any field of life, is first taken along the dreamy…………..of imagination.






For the last half century he ……………himself to public affairs……………. Taking a holiday






It is the………………of selfishness for men, who fully…………..in their own case the great advantages of good education, to deny  this advantages to women.






His absence at the crucialmeeting cannot be ____ as he ____ the country at important international fora.






Harassment is just plain…………There is never a valid reason or a good……………for it.






For taking retirement, he has made _____ his business to his two son





Indian intellectuals may boast, if they are so inclined, of being __________ to the most elitist among the intellectual ___________ of the world





The man was mentally _____after the death of his wife and hence was put in an ______ unfit, hospital





Problems of the country can only be aggravated by …………. and……….citizens.






The world is fast moving into a period of ‘civilization clash’ in which the primary identification of people and countries will not be _________ as during the Cold war , but________





I have trouble _____.





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