1. Paul Freitas
2. Stuart Parkin
3. Gary Prinz
4. None of these
None of these
1. Comparing experiences with two innovations tried, in order to illustrate the failure of both.
2. Presenting community perspectives on two technologies which have had negative effects on people.
3. Using the negative outcomes of one innovation to illustrate the likely outcomes of another innovation.
4. Contrasting two contexts separated in time, to illustrate how „deserts have arisen.
Using the negative outcomes of one innovation to illustrate the likely outcomes of another innovation.
1. the community bereavement counsellors working with the bereaved to help him/her overcome grief.
2. the neighbours and kin joining the bereaved and meeting grief together in mourning and prayer.
3. using techniques developed systematically in formal institutions of learning, a trained counsellorhelping the bereaved cope with grief.
4. the Sauk Indian Chief leading the community with rituals and rites to help lessen the grief of thebereaved.
the neighbours and kin joining the bereaved and meeting grief together in mourning and prayer.
1. Over a period of time, working with Sauk Indians who have lost their kinship and relationships, shebecomes one of them.
2. She is working in an environment where the disappearance of community mourners makes her workplace a social desert.
3. Her efforts at grief processing with the bereaved will fail as no amount of professional service canmake up for the loss due to the disappearance of community mourners.
4. She has been working with people who have settled for a long time in the Great Desert.
Her efforts at grief processing with the bereaved will fail as no amount of professional service can
make up for the loss due to the disappearance of community mourners.
1. a friend of the bereaved helping him or her handle grief.
2. an advocate of the right to treatment for the community.
3. a kin of the bereaved helping him/her handle grief.
4. a formally trained person helping the bereaved handle grief.
a formally trained person helping the bereaved handle grief.
1. it was covered with thick, untillable layers of grass over a vast stretch.
2. it was a large desert immediately next to lush forests.
3. it was rich cultivable land left fallow for centuries.
4. it could be easily tilled with iron plows.
it was covered with thick, untillable layers of grass over a vast stretch.
1. reduce uncertainty and chaos.
2. help us to cope with uncertainty and ambiguity.
3. help us to find explanations for uncertainty.
4. reduce the terror of cosmic loneliness
help us to cope with uncertainty and ambiguity.
1. The two are antagonistic.
2. The two are complementary.
3. There is no relation between the two.
4. Philosophy derives from science.
The two are complementary.
1. Prairie soil depleted by cultivation of wheat.
2. Reservations in which native Indians were resettled.
3. Absence of, and emptiness in, community kinship and relationships.
4. All of the above.
All of the above.
1. historian
2. philosopher
3. scientist
4. theologian