1.  Alice does not know what ‘glory’ means.

2.  He is Alice’s master

3.  He imparts to a word the meaning he intends.

4.  His words are ambiguous

Correct Answer :

He imparts to a word the meaning he intends.

Explanation :
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1.  When some people say ‘bad’, they mean the opposite.

2.  God will complete the removal of al atoms from the hydrogen molecule in a million years.

3.  One can simultaneously measure both the velocity and position of sub-atomic particles

4.  Planck called words ‘quanta’

Correct Answer :

When some people say ‘bad’, they mean the opposite.

Explanation :
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1.  receptacles of meaning

2.  packets of meaning

3.  little drawers into which fresh meaning that expand can be inserted.

4.  little drawers into which fresh meaning that limit or contradict accepted meanings can be     inserted.

Correct Answer :

packets of meaning

Explanation :
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1.  Protective cage around a sapling

2.  Crawling/ walking by a kid

3.  Self – reference and paradox

4.  Position and velocity of sub – atomic

Correct Answer :

Crawling/ walking by a kid

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Shades of grey

2.  In definability

3.   Language of words

4.  Paradox.

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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