1.  validate

2.  ActionPack

3.  flight_id

4.  ruby make

Correct Answer :


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1.  singular

2.  @ads = Ad.find(:all)

3.  validate

4.  rake db:migrate

Correct Answer :

@ads = Ad.find(:all)

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1.  a responder object

2.  validate

3.  flight_id

4.  an object

Correct Answer :

an object

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1.  1. all important data is a resource, 2. every resource has a proper name (URL), 3. you can perform a standard set of operations on resources (usually CRUD), 4. client and server talk statelessly

2.  model names are singular, controller (and table) names are plural

3.  a script that alters the structure of the underlying database

4.  no. arrays just keep references to objects stored in memory.

Correct Answer :

1. all important data is a resource, 2. every resource has a proper name (URL), 3. you can perform a standard set of operations on resources (usually CRUD), 4. client and server talk statelessly

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1.  An array uses indices and a hash uses “keys”  

2.  puts (pronounced “put-ess”)  

3.  Red refers to writing a failing test  

4.  When the order matters, use an array.

Correct Answer :

When the order matters, use an array.

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1.  An array uses indices and a hash uses “keys”

2.  It’s a test that simulates a browser accessing our application.

3.  Red, Green, Refactor,Red refers to writing a failing test,Green refers to writing a passing test Once we have a passing test we are free to refactor the code.

4.  This maps requests for the URL /pages/home to the home action in the Pages controller.

Correct Answer :

Red, Green, Refactor,Red refers to writing a failing test,Green refers to writing a passing test Once we have a passing test we are free to refactor the code.

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1.  This is not a standard rails directory, but a directory installed by RSpec in which all test files are kept.

2.  The @ indicates that this is an “instance variable”. An instance variable defined in the action (or function) of a controller is automatically available in the view of that same name.

3.  It’s a test that simulates a browser accessing our application.

4.  Ruby complains if we try to evaluate an undefined local variable, but issues no such complaint for an instance variable; instead, instance variables are nil if not defined

Correct Answer :

Ruby complains if we try to evaluate an undefined local variable, but issues no such complaint for an instance variable; instead, instance variables are nil if not defined

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1.  The “erb” stands for “Embedded RuBy”. .erb files look like about.html.erb and live in the “views” directory.They are just html files with embedded ruby in them.

2.  The @ indicates that this is an “instance variable”. An instance variable defined in the action (or function) of a controller is automatically available in the view of that same name.

3.  puts (pronounced “put-ess”)

4.  It’s a test that simulates a browser accessing our application.

Correct Answer :

The “erb” stands for “Embedded RuBy”. .erb files look like about.html.erb and live in the “views” directory.They are just html files with embedded ruby in them.

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1.  An array uses indices and a hash uses “keys”

2.  It’s easier to describe what objects do, which is respond to messages. An object like a string, for example, can respond to the message length, which returns the number of characters in the string

3.  This maps requests for the URL /pages/home to the home action in the Pages controller.

4.  It’s a test that simulates a browser accessing our application.

Correct Answer :

It’s easier to describe what objects do, which is respond to messages. An object like a string, for example, can respond to the message length, which returns the number of characters in the string

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1.  An array uses indices and a hash uses “keys”

2.  Classes are simply a convenient way to organize functions (also called methods). In pages_controller.rb, PagesController is a Class which holds a “home” action.

3.  A controller is a container for a group of (possibly dynamic) web pages.

4.  This maps requests for the URL /pages/home to the home action in the Pages controller.

Correct Answer :

Classes are simply a convenient way to organize functions (also called methods). In pages_controller.rb, PagesController is a Class which holds a “home” action.

Explanation :
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