1. :controller
2. underscores
3. ActiveRecord
4. config/routes.rb
2. … have the same URL
<\%= f.text_field :name \%>
1. underscores
2. it runs its validators
3. validate
4. rake db:migrate
it runs its validators
1. #{1+1}
2. singular
3. ruby make
4. flight_id
ruby make
1. a web page
2. ruby make
3. for ad in @ads
4. ActionPack
for ad in @ads
1. their names begin with an underscore
2. the model class (app/models/something.rb) and the data migration (db/migrate/…_create_something.rb)
3. model names are singular, controller (and table) names are plural
4. rails generate migration AddPhoneToTickets phone:string
the model class (app/models/something.rb) and the data migration (db/migrate/…_create_something.rb)
1. data from model objects AND the page template
2. HTTP methods (post, get, put, delete)
3. it is not associated with a model
4. their names begin with an underscore
their names begin with an underscore
1. an object
2. ActionPack
3. rake db:migrate
4. integration test
integration test
1. underscores
2. an object
3. a responder object
4. integration test
a responder object
1. runs State test
2. the request State Transfer
3. Representational State Transfer
4. runs State Transfer
Representational State Transfer