1.  just replace the word “scaffold” with the word “model”

2.  from general to specific (‘/ads/’ and then ‘/ads/:id’)

3.  rails generate migration AddPhoneToTickets phone:string

4.  do |f| (where “f” can be anything)

Correct Answer :

from general to specific (‘/ads/’ and then ‘/ads/:id’)

Explanation :
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1.  from general to specific (‘/ads/’ and then ‘/ads/:id’)

2.  map.connect ‘/ads/:id’, :controller=>’ads’, :action=>’show’

3.  include test.xml to root of “public” folder and ,render (:partial=>’map’, :locals=>{:data=>’/test.xml’})

4.  form_for(@object, :url=>{:action=>’create’})

Correct Answer :

map.connect ‘/ads/:id’, :controller=>’ads’, :action=>’show’

Explanation :
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1.  all important data is a resource2. every resource has a proper name (URL)

2.  :format (that period is a concatenation period)

3.  the method within the controller to call

4.  login method (that checks a username and password) and 2. a filter (that calls the login method when needed)

Correct Answer :

login method (that checks a username and password) and 2. a filter (that calls the login method when needed)

Explanation :
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1.  underscores

2.  it runs its validators

3.  it is not associated with a model

4.  their names begin with an underscore

Correct Answer :

their names begin with an underscore

Explanation :
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1.  right after the line introducing the class in the controller

2.  a script that alters the structure of the underlying database

3.  it can do more complex things like modifying the database structure and running tests

4.  expression is ruby code that prints out a value in html

Correct Answer :

it can do more complex things like modifying the database structure and running tests

Explanation :
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1.  because they make the partial less dependent on other code

2.  the data being presented by the web page

3.  their names begin with an underscore

4.  the request parameters table

Correct Answer :

because they make the partial less dependent on other code

Explanation :
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1.  controller

2.  CamelCase

3.  flight_id

4.  singular

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  rails generate migration AddPhoneToTickets phone:string

2.  rails records the latest timestamp of all the migrations it runs (and runs only the latest ones)

3.  because they make the partial less dependent on other code

4.  it can do more complex things like modifying the database structure and running tests

Correct Answer :

rails records the latest timestamp of all the migrations it runs (and runs only the latest ones)

Explanation :
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1.  in the controller: respond_to do |format| … end

2.  it is not associated with a model

3.  redirect_to ” … ”

4.  the data being presented by the web page

Correct Answer :

in the controller: respond_to do |format| … end

Explanation :
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1.  ruby make

2.  f.error_messages

3.  for ad in @ads

4.  underscores

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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