1.  update_attributes (as in @ad.update_attributes(params[:ad]))

2.  unit, functional, and integration tests

3.  format (that period is a concatenation period)

4.  it is not associated with a model

Correct Answer :

update_attributes (as in @ad.update_attributes(params[:ad]))

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  redirect_to " ... "

2.  the request parameters table


4.  do |f| (where “f” can be anything)

Correct Answer :

do |f| (where “f” can be anything)

Explanation :
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1.  unit, functional, and integration tests

2.  it is not associated with a model

3.  id, created_at, updated_at

4.  it runs its validators

Correct Answer :

unit, functional, and integration tests

Explanation :
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1.  .:format (that period is a concatenation period)

2.  HTTP methods (post, get, put, delete)

3.  their names begin with an underscore

4.  unit, functional, and integration tests

Correct Answer :

.:format (that period is a concatenation period)

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  no. arrays just keep references to objects stored in memory.

2.  the data being presented by the web page

3.  it is not associated with a model

4.  the request parameters table

Correct Answer :

no. arrays just keep references to objects stored in memory.

Explanation :
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1.  it runs its validators

2.  it is not associated with a model

3.  Representational State Transfer

4.  expression is ruby code that prints out a value in html

Correct Answer :

expression is ruby code that prints out a value in html

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  .:format (that period is a concatenation period)

2.  h is a helper method that escapes special characters to sanitize malicious input

3.  a script that alters the structure of the underlying database

4.  the method within the controller to call

Correct Answer :

h is a helper method that escapes special characters to sanitize malicious input

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  the method within the controller to call

2.  the data being presented by the web page

3.  model names are singular, controller (and table) names are plural

4.  in the controller: respond_to do |format| … end

Correct Answer :

model names are singular, controller (and table) names are plural

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  It is a format (that period is a concatenation period)

2.  a script that alters the structure of the underlying database

3.  their names begin with an underscore

4.  the data being presented by the web page

Correct Answer :

a script that alters the structure of the underlying database

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  data from model objects AND the page template

2.  .erb -> Embedded Ruby -> ruby code (file.rb) -> fild.html

3.  the method within the controller to call

4.  the data being presented by the web page

Correct Answer :

.erb -> Embedded Ruby -> ruby code (file.rb) -> fild.html

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

Interview Questions

Java Script
Node JS