1. "Treatment"
2. "Disease"
3. "Sleeplessness"
4. "Unrest"
5. "None of these "
"1. "Stay "
2. "Stand"
3. "Walk "
4. "Hop"
5. "None of these"
"1. "25 "
2. "32"
3. "35 "
4. "42"
5. "None of these"
"1. "QRS "
2. "PQR"
3. "QST "
4. "MOQ"
5. "None of these"
"1. "Apple "
2. "Potatoes "
3. "Oranges"
4. "Flour"
5. "None of these"
"1. "if only I follows."
2. "if only II folllows."
3. "If either I or II follows."
4. "if neither I or II follows"
5. "if both I and II follow."
if both I and II follow.
"1. " If only I follows "
2. "If only II follows"
3. "If either I or II follows"
4. " If neither I or II follows"
5. " If both I and II follow. "
If only I follows
1. "If only I follows"
2. " If only II follows"
3. "If either I or II follows"
4. " If neither I or II follows"
5. "If both I and II follow"
If neither I or II follows
"1. "If only I follows"
2. "If only II follows"
3. " If either I or II follows"
4. "If neither I or II follows"
5. "If both I and II follow"
If both I and II follow
"1. "If only I follows"
2. " If only II follows"
3. "If either I or II follows"
4. "If neither I or II follows"
5. "If both I and II follow"
If both I and II follow