1. "D"
2. "T"
3. "1"
4. "2"
5. "None of these "
"1. "W 5 U "
2. "δ 3 U "
3. "δ 3 Z "
4. "δ W 5 "
5. "None of these"
δ 3 Z
"1. "0.1"
2. "10"
3. "100"
4. "1000"
"1. "Give answer (1) if only Conclusion I follow. "
2. "Give answer (2) if only Conclusion II follows. "
3. "Give answer (3) if either Conclusion I or II follows"
4. "Give answer (4) if neither Conclusion l not II follows. "
5. "Give answer (5) if both Conclusions l and II follows "
Give answer (4) if neither Conclusion l not II follows.
1. "Give answer (1) if only Conclusion I follow. "
2. "Give answer (2) if only Conclusion II follows. "
3. "Give answer (3) if either Conclusion I or II follows"
4. "Give answer (4) if neither Conclusion l not II follows. "
5. "Give answer (5) if both Conclusions l and II follows "
Give answer (1) if only Conclusion I follow.
1. "Give answer (1) if only Conclusion I is true. "
2. "Give answer (2) if only Conclusion II is true. "
3. "Give answer (3) if either Conclusion I or II is true. "
4. "Give answer (4) if neither Conclusion I nor II is true. "
5. "Give answer (5) if both Conclusions I and II are true. "
Give answer (1) if only Conclusion I is true.
1. "Give answer (1) if only Conclusion I is true. "
2. "Give answer (2) if only Conclusion II is true. "
3. "Give answer (3) if either Conclusion I or II is true. "
4. "Give answer (4) if neither Conclusion I nor II is true. "
5. "Give answer (5) if both Conclusions I and II are true. "
Give answer (1) if only Conclusion I is true.
1. "D"
2. "B"
3. "H"
4. "A"
5. "None of these"
"1. "175"
2. "300"
3. "6575"
4. "7525"
5. "None of these"
"1. "-29"
2. "-19"
3. "19"
4. "29"