1. snake
2. poison
3. bite
4. reptile
5. None of these
1. U.S.A
2. Mexico
3. Indian Ocean
4. America
5. None of these
1. lo
2. Bee
3. No
4. Ho
5. cannot be determined
cannot be determined
1. yo
2. No
3. Lo
4. Either ‘bee’ or ‘lo’
5. none of these
Either ‘bee’ or ‘lo’
1. me to yo no bee
2. me yo to no fe
3. me bee yo no lo
4. ge to yo no me
5. none of these
ge to yo no me
1. BH
2. DF
3. CG
4. EA
5. None of these
1. Olympic games are popular
2. Olympic games fit sport
3. sports persons are fit
4. Olympic gasmes are interesting
5. none of these
Olympic gasmes are interesting
1. fe
2. no
3. bee
4. ho
5. none of these
1. cooker
2. cook
3. stove
4. cylinder
5. None of these
1. if only conclusion I is true.
2. if only conclusion II is true.
3. if either conclusion I or II is true.
4. if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
5. if both conclusions I and II are true.
if only conclusion II is true.